MARCH, 25, 2018
TELEPHONE : (844) 556-8333
Ref: MD Rabbi Alam announced to run for Michigan State Representative
MD Rabbi Alam announces candidacy for State Representative from Michigan House District 4 in 2018 Democratic Primary Election. On Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 5 pm at the Gates of Columbus Banquet Hall in Hamtramck, MI located on 9632 Conant Ave, MD Alam hosted the Campaign Kick off rally, Fundraising and Dinner event.
MD Alam was a Sergeant of United States Army. MD Alam is a veteran of Iraq war, a former DNC Caucus Chairman and the founder of Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus. In 2008, MD Alam worked as a Satellite Campaign Manager for then Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama. In 2012 MD Alam again worked for President Obama’s Campaign and worked for “OFA” (Organizing For America). In 2016, MD Alam worked for Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign as the National Campaign Chair for “Muslims American for Bernie Sanders”.
At the DNC National Presidential Convention, after Hillary Clinton securing the Democratic nomination, asked MD Alam to join the campaign. MD Alam accepted and was appointed as the National Champaign Chair for “Muslim Democrat for Hillary Clinton”. MD Alam leads many successful “Hillary Clinton Campaign Rally” in New York, Missouri, Washington D.C. and Chicago.
In 2016, after the defeat of Democratic Party, when Republican Donald Trump came power and inaugurated as the president, and Trump harsher and undemocratic and unconstitutional acts, actions, bigotry and racist remarks against women, African American, Hispanic American, Muslim American and all the minority immigrant communities, ignited MD Alam to introduce a national movement against Trump and it is known as “#45thImpeachment.com.
The anti-Trump movement, leads by MD Alam, which is widely known as “#45th_Impeachment” which collected over 340K signatures for Trump’s Impeachment Petition. Not only that, MD Alam leads Muslim American movement. In 2012 MD Alam established the first Muslim American Political PAC which is known as American Muslim Political Action Committee AKA AMPAC. As because of the establishment of AMPAC MD Alam faced huge fox news scrutiny and propaganda. In 2013, MD Alam and AMPAC organized “Million Muslim March in Washington DC on September 11, at the National Mall. The Million Muslim March Rally was dedicated to show respect towards 3000 deaths and condemning of both Terrorism and right wing media that villainize Muslim American, by promoting false allegation, propaganda, engineering of false-flag operations. As because the propensity of timing of 9/11/13 the march appeared on the front page with headlines, just not only Nationally but also, internationally. The message and the news of “Million Muslim March” Rally reached over 100’s of Millions of people globally.
The World News, CNN, BBC, Voice of America, NPR, Fox News, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, ABC news New work, NBC, NBC Action News, CBS, Saint Louis Post Dispatch, New York Times, Washington Times, Al-Jajeria, RTV, Press TV and many famous international main-stream TV & news Media channels as well as social media feathered and gone viral on MD Alam and the Million Muslim March on the day of 12th anniversary of Twin Tower Tragedy. This dynamic modern Muslim American Democratic activist is asking your vote and support in the upcoming 2018 Democratic Primary election in Michigan. from District 4.
MD Alam is running for State Representative from Michigan. The Primary election is scheduled on August 7, 2018. The constituency is about 100K residence among which 20K from City of hamtramck and rest of the 80K is from City of Detroit. MD Alam is working closely with community at-large including African American, White American, Hispanic American, Arab American, Asian American, and Muslim American to win this election. Being a former Democratic Caucus Chairman and a Veteran of Iraq War, MD Alam is getting a lot of support and response and support from the community at-large, as a candidate.
MD Alam is well known in the Muslim American Community and he is a Imam and he leads Friday Sermon of Jummah Congregation. By considering all these positive community engagement, MD Alam and his Campaign is hopeful and wish to bring victory at home. He is a very potential candidate and if he wins the race, he will be the first Bangladeshi born American to be elected in any states as a state legislature. MD Alam is hoping that, all the Bangladeshi American voters would come out and vote for him. MD Alam asks all Bangladeshi in the District and everyone including in Bangladesh and globally to keep him and the campaign in their prayers.
The Campaign kickoff event started by the recitation from the Quran by Hafiz Muhammad Hasan, who memorized the whole quran. Pledge Allegiance of Flag was leaded by Sajid Alam. Arab American Community leder Dr. Tagrid Ali (Ph. D) and African American Community leder Attorney Jamila Davis functioned as Co-Master of the ceremony.
Honorable Justice Judge Edward Ewell delivered speech, welcomed, and congratulated MD Alam and everyone for making this event a successful one. Judge Ewell thanked and paid a tribute for MD Alam’s service in the United States Army and in the Iraq war. Honorable Senator Coleman Young II addressed the event and Endorsed MD Alam for State Representative. Senator Coleman asked voters to vote and elect MD Alam on August 7, 2018. Shri Thanedar Candidate for Michigan Governorship, also joined as a guest speaker. Shri Thanedar delivered Progressive Democratic values and guidelines for voters to take consideration. Shri Thanedar is leading on current Democratic polls and asked everyone to elect and vote for progressive candidates like MD Alam.
Bill Cobbs, another Candidate for Michigan Governorship, who is also a Veteran, and favourite in African American Community, strongly standing against republican party and it’s governor Rick Snyder in the state of Michigan. Bill Cobbs also, delivered strong words against Donald Trump and his education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Bill Cobbs endorsed MD Alam and asked everyone to consider voting for him as well in the Michigan Democratic Primary for the office of Governorship.
Lieutenant Andrew Oleksiak, the Chief of Hamtramck Firefighter, President of Local Union of IAFF 750, addressed the crowd and endorsed MD Alam. Andrew Oleksiak asked every Hamtramck Voters to vote for Alam. Deputy fire fighter Nick Mansina joined with Andrew Oleksiak and endorsed MD Alam as well as.
On behalf of “Alam for House” Campaign, Campaign leaderships addressed and delivered speeches. Among the Campaign leaderships, Sr. Campaign Coordinator Nasir Sabuj, Nayeem Leaon Choudhury, Muhith Mahmood, MD Shahab Uddin, Mahbub Rabbi Khan, Khaja Shahab Ahmed, Rahid Chowdhury, Tasneem Chowdhury, M. Firuj Ali, Mustak Ahmed Mukta, Advocate Mollik Sarwar, Gias Talukder, Ramuna Muna, Al-Mahadi Bint Tagarid, and former Hamtramck City Council Member and Mayoral Candidate Honorable Mohammed Kamrul Hassan.
Many community members, leaders, activists and residents joined the event. Among which Campaign Coordinator Akikul Haque Shamim, Michigan Senator Candidate Abraham Ayash, Michigan State Awami League President Faruque Ahmed Chand, Campaign Commissioner Sam Washington, ASAAL’s Political Director ibrahim Al-Jahim, Campaign Commissioner Abdul Basit, Khaled Choudhury, Mustaque Ahmed, Sheikh Rupom Rashid, Kamruzzaman Helal, Iqbal Fardous, Mohamed Hassan, Abul Khayer Mitu, Advocate Saleh Ahmed, Washim Ahmed, Sajid Alam, Anupriya Alam, Afroza Tuli, Safyallah Alam and many other.
All the attendees, guests, community leaders promise to help and working with MD Alam. They called MD Alam as the “Future of the State” and asked everyone to vote for MD Alam. Everyone expressed and implied that victory of Md Alam is victory for the entire community, so, “Let’s Elect MD Alam as our next State Representative from Michigan District 4.
Dinner was served and at the end the Campaign committee cut a Cake and finally at the end Hafiz Muhammad Hassan officially ended the event with prayers supplication.
Thank you.
Press Release:
MD Alam for House, Michigan 4th District, State Representative, www.MDALAM.us, 844.556.8333