MD Alam Speaking at Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Protest after SCOTUS Ruling in Detroit on 6-26-2018
MD Alam Speaking at Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Protest after SCOTUS Ruling in Detroit on 6-26-2018
MD Alam (D-MI), A veteran of U.S. Army & a Candidate for Michigan State Representative District 4 speaking at the #StandWithMuslim Rally. Hundreds gathered to protest the U.S. Suprime Court’s ruling on Muslim Travell Ban as constitutional. The Rally took place at the Campus of Maritus in Detroit, Michigan, USA on 6/26/2018
Amy Doukoure, left, of Canton, CAIR-MI staff attorney, holds the bullhorn for U.S. Army veteran M.D. Rabbi Alam, right, of Detroit, who is running for Michigan state representative in District 4.MD Alam @the Campus Martius Muslim Ban Protest Rally on 6-26-2018MD Alam is speaking at the Muslim Ban Protest Rally on 6/26/2018MD Alam with other protestors at the Campus Martius on 6/26/2018 for Trump’s Muslim Ban Protest after U.S. Suprime Court ruling on 5-4 as constitutionalMD Alam is the founder of AMPAC: American Muslim Political Action Committee and the President of Alliance of South Asian American Labor ASAAL-MI Chapter. MD Alam is peaking at the Muslim Ban Protest Rally at Campus Martius on 6-26-2018 in Detroit, Michigan, USA