Fight for $15, No unwarranted Arrest on Immigration, Creating more Jobs: Former Senator Coleman Alexander Young on MD Alam
Alam possibly run in the General Election on Nov 3rd, 2020:

“MD RABBI ALAM” was a potential candidate to run on August 4th, 2020 Primary for Michigan’s 4th State House district vacated by untimely stunning death of former State Rep. Isaac Robinson on 3-29-2020 due to suspected COVID19 Coronavirus. After receiving a telephone call from former State Representative and beloved mother of R.I.P. Isaac Robinson, and a request to withdrawal from the race considering potential run of Sarah Robinson, sister of belated Isaac Robinson.
Alam withdrawal and removed himself from the both full term and partial race but due to some unforeseen reasons Sarah Robinson did not file candidacy for the race, leaving Alam with respect for the Robinson’ as well as to show respect for the community Alam gave up his right to run and now asking your support as he decided to file Qualifying Signatures Petition for November 3rd General Election.
Currently Alam serves as one of the top Vice Chair of Michigan Democratic Party 14CD and is the Founder Chair of Bangladeshi American Democratic Club. Alam is a Veteran of Iraq war and Afghan war, and a former U.S. Army Sergeant and in the Election Representing the People of Hamtramck and Detroit in the Michigan 4TH State House District.
“MD Rabbi Alam” কে ভোট দিন । MD Rabbi আলম State Representative এ District -4 এ নির্বাচন করছেন ।
Sign up for Election Day (August 7, 2018) Poll Volunteers: MD Alam for House
Election Day (August 7, 2018) Poll Workers and Volunteers Sign up Form: Dear Volunteers thank you so much for all the hardworking you have been doing since filling our campaign. We need 100 Volunteers on election day. If you are free on August 7th, 2018, and you know someone else may be your friend and family who may be interested helping our camping for the polling locations, please simply fill out the information. We need to order your T-shirt size. So, please sign up know and get your T-shirt for the election day volunteering.
Sign up now:
Endorsement from Revolution for Detroit Now: Congratulations !!

“Our friend MD Rabbi Alam is running for State Rep. in District 4. He is endorsed by our good friend State Senator Coleman Young II and we here at Revolution for Detroit NOW.
Vote August 7th for MD Alam State Representative District 4”On July 17, 2018 the Revolution for Detroit Now endorsed our campaign. We are pleased and glad to receive such endorsement and happy to acknowledge that Progressive movement in Detroit will sets us free from the Reckless Trump and his Regime with the success of political empowerment.
We are a progressive movement and our candidacy is vital in the 2018 Mid-term election. We as committed and concerned citizen, our duties, responsibilities and our contribution to end Trump-Pence regime is epic. We need to elect as many progressive as progressive to oust Republican.
Thanks to the progressive movement in Detroit, #RevolutionForDetroitNow and thanks for the recognition.
On behalf of MD Alam for House Campaign,
Media team, 7/17/2018
MD Alam meets with Bernie Sanders: Vote & Elect MD Alam for State Rep. District # 4

MD Alam meets with Bernie Sanders: Vote & Elect MD Alam for State Rep. District # 4
MD Alam meets with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Alam is running for State Representative from Michigan 4th State Rep District. In the 2015, Alam worked as the National Campaign Chair for Muslim for Sanders Campaign. Now Alam is seeking Bernie Sanders endorsement. Alam is happy to announce a very successful meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders who is a potential 2020 Presidential Contender.
Senator Sanders and MD Alam is asking all Progressive to come out and vote and elect MD Alam on August 7, 2018 in the Michigan Democratic Primary where, Alam is the one candidate who is a Veteran of Iraq war, Alam is also a former DNC Caucus Chair and the Organizer of Million Muslim March in Washington D.C.
Alam is also the National Field Director for where the movement collected over 340K signatures online for Trump’s Impeachment. Alam is hopeful to win as a Sanders’ Democrat which widely as Progressive and as an activist.
MD Alam Speaking at Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Protest after SCOTUS Ruling in Detroit on 6-26-2018
MD Alam (D-MI), A veteran of U.S. Army & a Candidate for Michigan State Representative District 4 speaking at the #StandWithMuslim Rally. Hundreds gathered to protest the U.S. Suprime Court’s ruling on Muslim Travell Ban as constitutional. The Rally took place at the Campus of Maritus in Detroit, Michigan, USA on 6/26/2018
SCOTUS upheld Trump’s Muslim Travell Ban on 6/26/2018: A disgrace for our nation – MD Alam
The Supreme Court has upheld President Donald Trump’s travel ban.
Sotomayor dissent and Korematsu
Liberal lawmakers, groups denounce ruling
MD Rabbi Alam (D-MI): Candidate, State Representative, District # 4
MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4. Vote on August 7, 2018
MD Alam is Veteran, served in the United States Army. Alam was a sergeant and honorably discharged. Alam served our country with pride, dignity and honor. Alam defended our national freedom as he served in the “Iraq war”.
Alam earned a Bachelor of Science Honors in Biology & minor in Mathematics, a 2nd Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Government. Alam earned an MBA in MIS also an MA in Mathematics and Teacher Certification. Alam finished Doctoral Courses at University of North Texas, Denton in ECMP “Educational Computational Mathematics” and a Ph. D Candidate. Currently Alam is attending Western Michigan University Cooley Law School and a Candidate for a Juris Doctor (JD). Alam attended University of Michigan Dearborn and finished 24 hours of Arabic Language Courses. Alam is a distinct graduate and the recipient of Dale Carnegie Leadership award.
Alam has worked as an intern at the Public defender of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor; MI. Currently Alam is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MS Corporation and the Chairman of the Board Director of Minority Directed Small Business. Before becoming the CEO Alam worked as a High School Math Teacher in the Imagine Renaissance Academy and Derrick Thomas Academy of Math and Science. Alam also, worked as a Certified IT Professional in the Software Development and UAT Test Engineer. Alam is a successful IT Business Analyst.
Political Involvement:
- Satellite Campaign Manager: Barak Obama Campaign’ 2008
- National Campaign Chair: Muslims American for Bernie Sanders’ 2016
- National Chair: DNC National Caucus’ 2010-2012
- Founder President: American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)
- President: Alliance of South Asian American Labor – ASAAL Michigan
- National Field Director:
- Organizer: Million Muslim March in Washington D.C. in 2013
- Organizer: #Guns_Free_School
- Founder, Bangladeshi American Political Action Committee BAPAC’ 2012
MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4
Email:, Website:, Campaign: 844-556-8333
Bullets Points
Academic Achievement:
- Bachelor of Science Honors in Biology
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- MBA in MIS, University of Phoenix
- MA in Mathematics, University of Missouri
- High School Mathematics Teacher Certification, University of Missouri
- Ph. D Candidate (Educational Computational), University of North Texas
- Juris Doctor (JD Candidate), Western Michigan University Thomas Cooley Law School
Political Achievement:
- Satellite Campaign Manager: Barak Obama Campaign’ 2008
- National Campaign Chair: Muslims American for Bernie Sanders’ 2016
- National Chair: DNC National Caucus’ 2010-2012
- Founder President: American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)
- President: Alliance of South Asian American Labor – ASAAL Michigan
- National Field Director:
- Organizer: Million Muslim March in Washington D.C. in 2013
- Organizer: #Guns_Free_School
- Founder, Bangladeshi American Political Action Committee BAPAC’ 2012
Alam has worked as an intern at the Public defender of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor; MI.
MD Alam Candidate State Representative District #4 Speaking at a Church in Detroit on 6.3.2018
MD Alam: Candidate for State Representative, District # 4 in Michigan, speaking at the Conquirng Baptist Church in Detroit on June 3rd, 2018. The Primary election is on August 7, 2018. Vote and Elect MD Alam, a Veteran of Iraq war, former DNC Caucus Chair and a Community activist who is the founder of American Muslim Political Action Committee and is the national field director of MD Alam is asking all the faith community to come out and support him and vote for him. MD Alam is a part time Imam at Metro Detroit Community and performs Friday Sermons in Detroit, Dearborn, & Hamtramck.
For more details visit campaign website at Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact with us. Call us on 844.556.8333 or just send us an email at
Find us and like us in Facebook at:
Campaign Page:
MD Alam’s personal Facebook Page:
গোলাপগঞ্জ হেল্পিং হ্যান্ডস (USA) এর ইফতার ও দোয়া মাহফিল সম্পন্ন।
অন্যান্যদের মধ্যে উপস্থিত ছিলেন গোলাপগঞ্জ হেল্পিং হ্যান্ডস এর তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তি সম্পাদক এম ডী রাব্বি আলম, সদস্য রাজু আহমদ তালুকদার, মিসবাহুর চৌধুরী, শাহীন চৌধুরী, আরমানী আসাদ, মাশকুর হুসেন কাওছার, মাশকুর হুদা খাঁন, হাবিবুর রহমান, আহমদ শরীফ মাহদী, তাহমিদ খাঁন সহ মিশিগানে বসবাসরত বিভিন্ন সামাজিক, রাজনৈতিক ও কমিউনিটি নেতৃবৃন্দ উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
ইফতার মাহফিলে সংগঠনের বিগত দিনের কার্যক্রম তুলে ধরা হয় এবং আগামী দিনের পরিকল্পনার প্রচারপত্র ও সবাইকে বিতরন করা হয়।
বিশেষ বক্তব্য রাখেন দুই জন ক্যান্ডিডেট সায়েদ রব এবং গোলাপগঞ্জ হেল্পিং হ্যান্ডস এর তথ্য ও প্রযুক্তি সম্পাদক এম ডী রাব্বি আলম।
ইফতার মাহফিলে আগত অতিথি বৃন্দরা গোলাপগঞ্জ হেল্পিং হ্যান্ডস এর বিগত দিনের কার্যক্রম এবং আগামী দিনের পদক্ষেপ ও পরিকল্পনাকে সাধুবাদ জানান। পাশাপাশি আর্থ সামাজিক কর্মকান্ডে গরীব অসহায় মানুষের সাহায্যে সকলকে এগিয়ে আসার এবং সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দেওয়ার অাহবান জানান।