[Published by: “MD Alam for House” MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, Michigan State Representative, District 4, Vote for MD Rabbi Alam on August 7, 2018 and Elect MD Alam as the next Michigan State Representative from District 4. For more Details visit: www.mdalam.us. Donate for MD Alam for House:
মিশিগান স্টেট ( ফারুক আহমেদ চান্দ – আবু আহমেদ মুসা ) ও মিশিগান মহানগর ( আবদুস শুকুর খান মাখন – মোতালিব ) আওয়ামিলীগের নতুন কমিটি ২০১৮

মিশিগান অঙ্গরাজ্যের ওয়ারেন সিটির দেশি হলে ২৯ এপ্রিল অনুষ্ঠিত হলো বহুল আলোচিত ও প্রতীক্ষিত মিশিগান আওয়ামী লীগের ত্রি-বার্ষিক সম্মেলন।
মিশিগান আওয়ামী লীগের সাবেক সভাপতি খালেদ আহমেদের সভাপতিত্বে ও সাবেক সাধারণ সম্পাদক এম ডি সাহাব উদ্দিনের পরিচালনায় সম্মেলনে প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র আওয়ামী লীগের সভাপতি ড. সিদ্দিকুর রহমান। প্রধান বক্তা ছিলেন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র আওয়ামী লীগের ভারপ্রাপ্ত সাধারণ সম্পাদক আব্দুস সামাদ আজাদ। বিশেষ অতিথি ছিলেন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র আওয়ামী লীগের সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক মো. ফারুক আহমেদ, মো. মহি উদ্দিন দেওয়ান, আবদুল হাসিব মামুন, আবদুর রহিম বাদশা, চন্দন দত্ত ও সিলেট জেলা আওয়ামী লীগের যুগ্ম সাধারণ সম্পাদক আইনজীবী নাসির উদ্দিন খান ।
বঙ্গবন্ধু কমিশনের চেয়ারম্যান এবং মিশিগান ডেমোক্যাটিক পার্টির সহসভাপতি ড. রাব্বী আলম বিশেষ বক্তব্য রাখেন । বক্তব্যে ড. রাব্বী বলেন আওয়ামী শক্তি এবং বঙ্গবন্ধুর স্বাধীনতার পক্ষের শক্তিকে জামাত – শিবির এবং রাজাকারদের বিরুদ্ধে ঐক্যবদ্ধ হয়ে কাজ করবার আহ্বান জানান । ড. আলম আরও বলেন ২০২১ সালের ডিজিটাল বাংলাদেশের প্রকল্প এবং ২০৪১ সালের মেগা প্রকল্প বাংলাদেশে জাপানের সমমানের একটি দেশে পরিনত করবার জন্য মাননীয় প্রধান মন্ত্রীর হাতকে শক্তিশালী করতে সকলকে আহ্বান জানান ।
প্রধান অতিথির বক্তব্যে সিদ্দিকুর রহমান সবাইকে অভিনন্দন জানিয়ে বলেন, ‘জননেত্রী শেখ হাসিনা এখন বিশ্বনন্দিত। বঙ্গবন্ধুর সুযোগ্য কন্যার কর্মগুণের সুফল পাচ্ছে গোটা বাংলাদেশ। বিশ্বে উন্নয়নের মডেলে পরিণত হয়েছে আমাদের প্রিয় মাতৃভূমি। উন্নয়নের ধারা অব্যাহত রাখতে প্রতিটি দেশপ্রেমিক প্রবাসীকে সোচ্চার থাকতে হবে।’
সম্মেলনের দ্বিতীয় পর্বে সিদ্দিকুর রহমান ঘোষণা করেন নবনির্বাচিত কমিটি। গঠন তন্ত্রের ধারা অনুযায়ী এবং দ্বিধা-বিভক্তি এড়াতে মিশিগান অঙ্গরাজ্যকে মিশিগান স্টেট ও মিশিগান মহানগর নামে দুটি ভাগে ভাগ করে দুটি কমিটি ঘোষণা করা হয়। মিশিগান স্টেট আওয়ামী লীগের সভাপতি নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন ফারুক আহমেদ চান্দ ও সাধারণ সম্পাদক আবু আহমেদ মুসা। সহসভাপতি নির্বাচিত হন নজরুল রহমান, এম এ সালাম সেলিম, আবু নাসের জামাল, আলমগীর আহমদ আলী ও সুলায়মান খান । যুগ্ম সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন যথাক্রমে নজরুল ইসলাম, আইনজীবী দীপক চৌধুরী, মাহবুবুর রহমান, খালেদ হোসেন ও মোহাম্মদ জুয়েল। সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত হন দেলোয়ার আনসারী, দেলোয়ার হোসেন ও সেবুল হোসেন ।
অপরদিকে, মহানগর কমিটির সভাপতি নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন আবদুস শুকুর খান মাখন এবং সাধারণ সম্পাদক মোহাম্মদ মোতালিব। সহ সভাপতি বাবুল আহমেদ বাচ্চু, ও আজাদ খান । এ ছাড়া যুগ্ম সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন মিজান মিয়া জসিম, শাহেদুর রহমান জাবেদ, বদরুল হুদা ও সুলতান শরীফ।
নবনির্বাচিত কমিটিকে আগামী তিন মাসের মধ্যে সর্বজনগৃহীত পূর্ণাঙ্গ কমিটি গঠনের নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র আওয়ামী লীগের নেতারা।
[Published by: “MD Alam for House” MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, Michigan State Representative, District 4, Vote for MD Rabbi Alam on August 7, 2018 and Elect MD Alam as the next Michigan State Representative from District 4. For more Details visit: www.mdalam.us.
Dana Nessel wins Michigan Democratic Party endorsement for attorney general
In a unprecedented blow to organized labor, Plymouth attorney Dana Nessel won the endorsement for her bid for state attorney general from Democrats at a day-long convention Sunday.
She overcame a nearly unified group of organized labor, led by the United Auto Workers, that had endorsed former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan Pat Miles of Grand Rapids.
But Nessel had forged a coalition of progressive activists, marijuana supporters and Democrats energized to join the party after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States in 2016.

After nearly 10 hours of speeches and voting at Cobo Center, the 6,704 credentialed Democrats gave Nessel a victory. The energy all day had been with Nessel as the crowd continually shouted her name, gave her standing ovations and waved signs carrying her name.
“I think the Democratic Party was ready for a more unconventional candidate and race,” said Nessel, who will be the first openly gay candidate to run for statewide office. “I was really excited to get so many new members signed up. There’s a lot of enthusiasm for the party in a way that we haven’t seen it for while.”
Nessel’s mother-in-law Mary Maguire, the president of the Plymouth Democratic Club, nominated Nessel, saying, “Dana always has been a relentless fighter for justice. She poured her heart and soul into the DeBoer case,” referring to the one of the cases that went to the U.S. Supreme Court, resulting in a validation of same sex marriage.
“Having beaten Bill Schuette and Rick Snyder on this landmark case, she understood the power an attorney general can have,” Maguire added.
Former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan Barbara McQuade nominated Miles for the attorney general endorsement and said he has a leg up because he’s already gone through a thorough vetting after being nominated for the Western Michigan U.S. Attorney slot by former President Barack Obama.
“He had to go through a rigorous background investigation by the FBI and if they couldn’t find any dirt on him, neither will the Republicans,” she said.
But Miles conceded the race to Nessel, before the final vote was announced and urged his supporters to back Nessel.
“I will fully support the Democratic ticket in the fall,” he said. “We need to take the state back for the Demoratic party. We need to unify the party.”
The vote marked the end of dominance of Democratic Party politics by the UAW, which for decades had been the deciding factor for candidates seeking the union’s endorsement. With dwindling union numbers – which have declined by 2.9 million members since the mid 1980s – the endorsement of the UAW or AFL-CIO isn’t as consequential as it once was.
“Whether or not the leadership of some of the unions supported me, I support unions in this state. I support workers,” Nessel said. “I hope they’ll support me as well in November.”
There was an enormous amount of energy in the crowd of more than 6,700 people, which is a far cry from the 700 people who showed up for the endorsement convention in 2010, said Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Brandon Dillon.
“This is huge, even with the bad weather across the state,” he said. “There’s just such a real enthusiasm that people are chomping at the bit to do something.
We’ve seen it since Trump got elected. But the challenge is to make sure that energy is channeled into the right activities,” Dillon added. “It’s kind of like plutonium. It can be used for peaceful means or can be used to arm a nuclear warhead.”
Most of the energy was directed at the only real race at the convention between Nessel and Miles. The two ran from room to room, making their case to the different constituency caucuses. William Noakes, a Detroit attorney, who had filed to become a candidate for attorney general, didn’t get the required signatures — about 500 — needed on Sunday to be considered for the endorsement.

At the Women’s Caucus, Nessel said she keeps hearing that there could be too many women on the ticket, if former Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer wins the nomination for Governor and Jocelyn Benson gets the nod for Secretary of State.
“You know what I say to that? Screw that noise,” she said. “More than ever, we need an attorney general who is willing to protect women in this state … We need to put as many women as possible on the Democratic ticket.”
Miles said he would vow to fight the agenda of President of Donald Trump on issue after issue.
“I’m a fighter and I’m ready to fight for you,” he said.
The race became a proxy for the fight between the traditional power brokers of the party – organized labor and African American constituencies – and the far left wing of the party.
At the Progressive Caucus, which has endorsed Nessel and former Detroit Health Department Director Abdul El-Sayed for Governor, retired Ann Arbor businessman Shri Thanedar tried to talk to the group. And even though he bills himself as the most progressive candidate in the race for Governor, he was refused the chance to speak and escorted out of the room amid chants from the caucus of “Abdul, Abdul!”
The labor caucus officially endorsed Miles and Whitmer, with United Auto Workers president Dennis Williams proclaiming that the labor movement has been at the forefront of the progressive movement for decades.
“Today, we’re under attack like never before. Not just in Michigan, but across the country,” he said. “It’s time for labor to raise for our heads, march in the streets and say an injustice for one is an injustice for all.”
Despite the extraordinary amount of participation at the convention, the crowd was warned that unless the factions can come together, they will lose in November. The worry was warranted as the race for attorney general became increasingly contentious in the last few weeks, with both Miles’ and Nessel’s campaign hurling insults and negative taunts at each other.
“The only thing that could stop us from doing what we need to do, is if we are not united. We have vigorous primaries, and we should. We’re going to have a vigorous campaign today. But in November, we all have to be united as Democrats,” said Sen. Gary Peters, D-Bloomfield Township. “We can’t say, ‘My candidate didn’t win, they’re not progressive enough,’ or ‘They’re too progressive.’ Enough is enough! We have to be united or we will not win.”
And U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, said she hated to be a “Debbie Downer, but everybody is talking about this blue wave. It’s not going to happen if we let complacency settle in.
“If you stay home, we’re going to have six years of what we have right now and that should scare the hell out of everybody,” she added.
Wayne County Executive Warren Evans warned the crowd to calm down.
“The only thing that will stop us is if we get petty with each other. If your candidate wins or doesn’t, take a chill pill. All of our candidates are better than any of theirs,” he said.
Also getting endorsements at the convention were: Supreme Court candidates Megan Cavanagh and University of Michigan law professor Sam Bagenstos and Benson for Secretary of State. The endorsements won’t become official, however until the party’s summer convention in August.
MD Rabbi Alam announced to run for Michigan State Representative District 4

MARCH, 25, 2018
TELEPHONE : (844) 556-8333
Ref: MD Rabbi Alam announced to run for Michigan State Representative
MD Rabbi Alam announces candidacy for State Representative from Michigan House District 4 in 2018 Democratic Primary Election. On Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 5 pm at the Gates of Columbus Banquet Hall in Hamtramck, MI located on 9632 Conant Ave, MD Alam hosted the Campaign Kick off rally, Fundraising and Dinner event.
MD Alam was a Sergeant of United States Army. MD Alam is a veteran of Iraq war, a former DNC Caucus Chairman and the founder of Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus. In 2008, MD Alam worked as a Satellite Campaign Manager for then Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama. In 2012 MD Alam again worked for President Obama’s Campaign and worked for “OFA” (Organizing For America). In 2016, MD Alam worked for Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign as the National Campaign Chair for “Muslims American for Bernie Sanders”.
At the DNC National Presidential Convention, after Hillary Clinton securing the Democratic nomination, asked MD Alam to join the campaign. MD Alam accepted and was appointed as the National Champaign Chair for “Muslim Democrat for Hillary Clinton”. MD Alam leads many successful “Hillary Clinton Campaign Rally” in New York, Missouri, Washington D.C. and Chicago.
In 2016, after the defeat of Democratic Party, when Republican Donald Trump came power and inaugurated as the president, and Trump harsher and undemocratic and unconstitutional acts, actions, bigotry and racist remarks against women, African American, Hispanic American, Muslim American and all the minority immigrant communities, ignited MD Alam to introduce a national movement against Trump and it is known as “#45thImpeachment.com.
The anti-Trump movement, leads by MD Alam, which is widely known as “#45th_Impeachment” which collected over 340K signatures for Trump’s Impeachment Petition. Not only that, MD Alam leads Muslim American movement. In 2012 MD Alam established the first Muslim American Political PAC which is known as American Muslim Political Action Committee AKA AMPAC. As because of the establishment of AMPAC MD Alam faced huge fox news scrutiny and propaganda. In 2013, MD Alam and AMPAC organized “Million Muslim March in Washington DC on September 11, at the National Mall. The Million Muslim March Rally was dedicated to show respect towards 3000 deaths and condemning of both Terrorism and right wing media that villainize Muslim American, by promoting false allegation, propaganda, engineering of false-flag operations. As because the propensity of timing of 9/11/13 the march appeared on the front page with headlines, just not only Nationally but also, internationally. The message and the news of “Million Muslim March” Rally reached over 100’s of Millions of people globally.
The World News, CNN, BBC, Voice of America, NPR, Fox News, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, ABC news New work, NBC, NBC Action News, CBS, Saint Louis Post Dispatch, New York Times, Washington Times, Al-Jajeria, RTV, Press TV and many famous international main-stream TV & news Media channels as well as social media feathered and gone viral on MD Alam and the Million Muslim March on the day of 12th anniversary of Twin Tower Tragedy. This dynamic modern Muslim American Democratic activist is asking your vote and support in the upcoming 2018 Democratic Primary election in Michigan. from District 4.
MD Alam is running for State Representative from Michigan. The Primary election is scheduled on August 7, 2018. The constituency is about 100K residence among which 20K from City of hamtramck and rest of the 80K is from City of Detroit. MD Alam is working closely with community at-large including African American, White American, Hispanic American, Arab American, Asian American, and Muslim American to win this election. Being a former Democratic Caucus Chairman and a Veteran of Iraq War, MD Alam is getting a lot of support and response and support from the community at-large, as a candidate.
MD Alam is well known in the Muslim American Community and he is a Imam and he leads Friday Sermon of Jummah Congregation. By considering all these positive community engagement, MD Alam and his Campaign is hopeful and wish to bring victory at home. He is a very potential candidate and if he wins the race, he will be the first Bangladeshi born American to be elected in any states as a state legislature. MD Alam is hoping that, all the Bangladeshi American voters would come out and vote for him. MD Alam asks all Bangladeshi in the District and everyone including in Bangladesh and globally to keep him and the campaign in their prayers.
The Campaign kickoff event started by the recitation from the Quran by Hafiz Muhammad Hasan, who memorized the whole quran. Pledge Allegiance of Flag was leaded by Sajid Alam. Arab American Community leder Dr. Tagrid Ali (Ph. D) and African American Community leder Attorney Jamila Davis functioned as Co-Master of the ceremony.
Honorable Justice Judge Edward Ewell delivered speech, welcomed, and congratulated MD Alam and everyone for making this event a successful one. Judge Ewell thanked and paid a tribute for MD Alam’s service in the United States Army and in the Iraq war. Honorable Senator Coleman Young II addressed the event and Endorsed MD Alam for State Representative. Senator Coleman asked voters to vote and elect MD Alam on August 7, 2018. Shri Thanedar Candidate for Michigan Governorship, also joined as a guest speaker. Shri Thanedar delivered Progressive Democratic values and guidelines for voters to take consideration. Shri Thanedar is leading on current Democratic polls and asked everyone to elect and vote for progressive candidates like MD Alam.
Bill Cobbs, another Candidate for Michigan Governorship, who is also a Veteran, and favourite in African American Community, strongly standing against republican party and it’s governor Rick Snyder in the state of Michigan. Bill Cobbs also, delivered strong words against Donald Trump and his education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Bill Cobbs endorsed MD Alam and asked everyone to consider voting for him as well in the Michigan Democratic Primary for the office of Governorship.
Lieutenant Andrew Oleksiak, the Chief of Hamtramck Firefighter, President of Local Union of IAFF 750, addressed the crowd and endorsed MD Alam. Andrew Oleksiak asked every Hamtramck Voters to vote for Alam. Deputy fire fighter Nick Mansina joined with Andrew Oleksiak and endorsed MD Alam as well as.
On behalf of “Alam for House” Campaign, Campaign leaderships addressed and delivered speeches. Among the Campaign leaderships, Sr. Campaign Coordinator Nasir Sabuj, Nayeem Leaon Choudhury, Muhith Mahmood, MD Shahab Uddin, Mahbub Rabbi Khan, Khaja Shahab Ahmed, Rahid Chowdhury, Tasneem Chowdhury, M. Firuj Ali, Mustak Ahmed Mukta, Advocate Mollik Sarwar, Gias Talukder, Ramuna Muna, Al-Mahadi Bint Tagarid, and former Hamtramck City Council Member and Mayoral Candidate Honorable Mohammed Kamrul Hassan.
Many community members, leaders, activists and residents joined the event. Among which Campaign Coordinator Akikul Haque Shamim, Michigan Senator Candidate Abraham Ayash, Michigan State Awami League President Faruque Ahmed Chand, Campaign Commissioner Sam Washington, ASAAL’s Political Director ibrahim Al-Jahim, Campaign Commissioner Abdul Basit, Khaled Choudhury, Mustaque Ahmed, Sheikh Rupom Rashid, Kamruzzaman Helal, Iqbal Fardous, Mohamed Hassan, Abul Khayer Mitu, Advocate Saleh Ahmed, Washim Ahmed, Sajid Alam, Anupriya Alam, Afroza Tuli, Safyallah Alam and many other.
All the attendees, guests, community leaders promise to help and working with MD Alam. They called MD Alam as the “Future of the State” and asked everyone to vote for MD Alam. Everyone expressed and implied that victory of Md Alam is victory for the entire community, so, “Let’s Elect MD Alam as our next State Representative from Michigan District 4.
Dinner was served and at the end the Campaign committee cut a Cake and finally at the end Hafiz Muhammad Hassan officially ended the event with prayers supplication.
Thank you.
Press Release:
MD Alam for House, Michigan 4th District, State Representative, www.MDALAM.us, 844.556.8333

Michigan Senator Hon. Coleman A. Young II endorses MD Alam
MARCH, 26, 2018
TELEPHONE : (844) 556-8333
Ref: Michigan State Senator Hon. Coleman A. Young II endorses MD Alam for State Representative for District 4
Senator Coleman Young II endorses MD Alam for State Rep District 4
Day after the campaign kick off event of MD Rabbi Alam for State Representative from Michigan House District 4 in 2018 Democratic Primary Election. On Monday, March 26, 2018, Honorable Coleman A. Young II, Michigan State Senator endorses MD Alam. Senator Coleman is happy to endorse MD Alam and our campaign proud and excited to accept the huge endorsement from the Senator.
Senator Coleman A. Young II is also a candidate for United States Congress from Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. Here is the endorsement video for you to enjoy. Mr. Alam said honored and happy to call Senator Coleman as a fighter and as a good friend. In response, MD Alam said, he is also happy to endorse Senator Coleman for his Congressional race. Alam is asking the Bangladeshi American Political Action Committee (BAPAC). Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL) and American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) to consider and help and supportive for Coleman A. Young II in coming months.
For details contact our campaign by emailing us at info@mdalam.us or visit us at www.mdalam.us.
Thank you.
On behalf of MD Alam for House,
Ja’Miah Davis, Media Director
Huge Endorsement for MD Alam for House : Senator Coleman A Young receives huge endorsement
MD Alam for Michigan House Campaign Dinner & Fundraising Event: Join on 3-25-2018
Join MD Alam for State Representative Campaign Dinner and Fundraising: 3/25/2018
MD Alam for State Representative: Campaign Dinner and Fundraising Event Invitation

Dear friends and Community member brothers & sisters:
You are invited to Join our campaign Dinner & Fundraising on March 25, 2018 on Sunday at 3-7 pm Gates Of Columbus Banquet Hall & Catering located on 9632 Conanat Ave, Hamtramck, MI 4821. The event is free and Donations are accepted. For any candidates To RSVP Call 1.844.556.833 or email info@MDALAM.us.
See you all. Thank you.
MD Alam, U.S. Army Veteran & Former DNC Caucus Chairman
Candidate, State Representative, MI House District 4
Campaign Website: www.MDALAM.us
Campaign Email: info@MDALAM.us
Toll Free Campaign Number: 1.844.556.8333
MD Alam’s Campaign Kicks off and Fundraising Dinner on 3/25/2018
Join our Campaign Kicks off Dinner on 3/25/2018
Venu: Gates of Columbus Banquet Hall in Hamtramck, MI
Address: 9632 Conant Street
Time: 3-7 pm
See you all. Thank you.
Find our event in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2014536142128050/
Why Fox News Hates MD Alam so much?
MD Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4:
Mohammed Rabbi Alam known as “MD Alam”. MD Alam is Veteran of United States Military. Alam served in the United States Army. Alam was a Army sergeant and honorably discharged from the United States Army in 2005. Alam served our country with pride, dignity and honour. Alam defended our national freedom as he served in the “Operation Iraqi Freedom” and served our Military with the scope of “Iraq war”. Alam was born and raised in Bangladesh, where he earned a Bachelor of Science Honours in Biology & minor in Mathematics, from Bangladesh National University. Alam earned a 2nd Bachelor of Arts Degree in “Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Islamic Studies, Islamic History & Political Science” from Bangladesh National University as well. Alam also completed two years of Law School in Bangladesh.
Before joining in the U.S. Army, Alam worked for three years as a Pharmaceutical Business Analyst for Advanced Chemical Industries in Eli-Lilly a NJ based Pharmaceutical Company. While serving in the U.S. Army Alam earned M.Sc in Military Science from University of Maryland (UMD). Later, Alam earned Masters of Business Administration in Management Information System (MBA in MIS) from University of Phoenix (UOP). Alam also earned his 3rd Graduate Degree Masters of Arts in Mathematics & Education as well as the High School Mathematics Teaching Certification from University of Missouri (UM). Alam went to University of North Texas (UNT) Denton and completed all doctoral course works except the dissertation defense in Educational Computational Mathematics. Recently Alam is Juris Doctor (JD) candidate at Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Alam is expected to take the Michigan Bar in the fall of 2018. Alam is a Distinct graduate and the recipient of Dale Carnegie Leadership award. Alam has worked as a Student Attorney as a Public defender of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor, MI. Currently Alam is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MS Corporation and the Chairman of the Board of Minority Directed Small Business (MDSBIZ). Before becoming the CEO Alam worked as a Certified High School Math Teacher in the Imagine Renaissance Academy and Derrick Thomas Academy of Math and Science. Alam also, worked as a Certified IT Professional in the Software Development and UAT Test Engineer in both IT & Telecommunication domain. Alam is a successful IT Business Analyst & a Political Consultant and Analyst.
In 2007, Alam established the “Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus (MDPAAC)” and was the founding chairman of the Political PAC which established 11 Caucus Chapters in his leadership. As part of Professional involvement, Alam hosts “National Political & Community Talk-Show” with Dr. Kevin Barrett of Wisconsin, Imam Walli Karim of Chicago, Mayor Mohammed T. Khairullah of Prospect Park, NJ. and Dr. Rashid Malik of Atlanta, GA (https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.com/tag/md-alam/).
In 2008, Alam served as a Satellite Campaign Manager of then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama from the Mid-Western Region of Campaign. In 2008, Alam served as an Executive member of DNC’s Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (API Caucus). In 2010, Alam was elected as the Democratic Committeeman from Jackson County Missouri’s 26 ward. Alam served as the Democratic Committeeman from 2010-2012. From 2010-2012, Alam has served as the national chairman for DNC’s Democratic Party Asian American Caucus and as chair for its national convention in 2011. In 2012, Alam established the Bangladeshi American Political Action Committee (BAPAC), which has currently 18 states chapters nationwide. In 2012-2014, Alam served as the executive member of DNC’s Ethnic Council and in 2014-2016, Alam served as an executive member of Democratic Veteran Caucus. Alam has a long standing in the DNC and the Democratic National Caucus.
Alam leads national Muslim-American political movement and a frequent Jummah khatib (Friday Sermon) nationwide. Alam has delivered Khutba in many states including Sermon at the United States House of Representative in the Capitol in Washington DC. Alam is the Founder of “American Muslim Political Action Committee, AMPAC” (Wikipedia Link for AMPAC listed as a Political organization in U.S.A: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_the_United_States#Political). AMPAC is a purely political movement to empower of Muslim Americans in the Political offices and electing Muslims in our government. On September 6, 2013, Washington Free Beacon reported about MD Alam and AMPAC as targeting MD Alam and his DNC ties as 911 Truth PAC (http://freebeacon.com/politics/dnc-delegates-for-truth/).
On July 10, 2012, Washington Free Beacon titled MD Alam as Secretary of Truth and Defame his as “Anti-Semitic” which Alam cleared his positions as Anti-Zionism, not as anti-semitic. Alam’s strong Islamic movement and standing for Muslim American’s dignity, rights, value and solidarity, Alam is always a advocate and vocal for Muslim American Community and denied muslims connection with 9/11 attack. As Alam believed that those who were involved with 9/11 were not a good practicing muslims and Muslim Americans should not be responsible for those 19 attackers. As Alam always speaks to the point and stands for the Muslim Americans, the Fox news, the Washington Free Beacon and the Right wing media always after him. Here, the Washington Free Beacon Titled him as “#Secretary_of_Truth” on 7/12/2012 (http://freebeacon.com/politics/secretary-of-truth/).
Alam and his organization planned to host a Muslim March at the Nation’s Capital on 9/11/13. This is how some right wings bloggers and Media portrayed and attacked Alam and AMPAC. Here is a sample example just click and see for yourself (https://billwarnermyblog.wordpress.com/tag/m-d-rabbi-alam-and-ampac-organizers-also-argue-that-the-us-government-and-media-have-lied-about-911/).
Here is another Link that shows how “Fox_News” and “Sean_Hannity” attacked MD Alam for planning to hosting the March in Washington DC on 9-11-13 (https://www.mediaite.com/tv/hannity-panel-explodes-over-911-million-muslim-march-the-audacity-is-beyond-words/).
Here is a separate link how many media attacked Alam as simple as he stood for Muslim Americans (http://www.debbieschlussel.com/51492/md-rabbi-alam-muslim-pro-life-democrat-candidate-says-jews-behind-911-defends-florida-islamic-jihad-terrorist-video/).
This is how Huffington Post described about Alam’s Mulsim March on 9/11/13: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/11/million-muslim-march_n_3906303.html. It was more became fearful and the Right Wing Fox news media and propaganda spreaded the fear of the march. Finally this is how Wikipedia reported about the Million Muslim March on 9/11/13: as Dr. Cornel west and many dignitaries attended this event, even after the threatening from the Bikers of America. “Million_Muslim_March”
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Million_Muslim_March).
This was how Washington Dc Fox 4 Reported about the Muslim March in DC on 9/11/2013: “Million Muslim March” Attendees Confronted by Christian Protesters on National Mall. Alam argues that Muslim Americans should politically supporting to him as he continues to take fight for the betterment and solidarity of Muslim americans as well as community at large against the Republican party and it’s Right wings allies.
One of the notorious Anti-Muslim Propagandist #Daniels_Pipe reported that, MD Rabbi Alam, A Democrat to watch?”
http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2012/07/md-rabbi-alam-a-democrat-to-watch It’s always a uphill battle for Mr. Alam while always standing for the Muslims Rights in America and being Democratic Caucus Chairman, got heavily attacked by Republican leaded media brutality. Blog reported by women of Grace about the Million Muslim March and Mr. Alam was that “it’s outrageous” however, the point, is Alam is one and only who openly challenges the main stream Republican and Fox News. http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=23614.
As because Mr. Alam stands for the Islam and Muslim in America, he always get the back fires. But Alam never backed down. Alam believes that it is time for Muslim to be electing a right, qualified and a true leader who will be standing for the Community. Alam’s movement for “Educating our own Community” and strong vocal, Alam has called names and defamed as Jihadist or Radical Islamist (https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/anti-jew-and-anti-american-muslim-group-blasted-for-million-muslim-march-scheduled-on-911-jihad/), yet Alam is strong, clean and a solid democrat who has long standing of National leadership. Alam is asking for your support that he could represent the Hamtramck, Detroit Muslim Community along with Community At-Large in the Michigan 4th State House District in 2018 Democratic Primary Election.
In 2015, Alam was appointed as the National Campaign Chairman for Muslim American for Bernie sanders and Alam travelled many states with the official Campaign. Alam is seen leading a Campaign Rally for Bernie Sanders in Dearborn, MI on 3/7/2016 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA9F9aJcgGo). Here is another link that shows Bernie Sanders Official Campaign Page about “A National Conference Call with MD Alam, as the National Campaign Chair of Sander” [https://go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/volunteeractivityormeetings/445sg]. Also, In Missouri Media reported that “MD Alam & Bernie Sanders” been teamed up for Mid-Western battle ground and Alam is moving to the Michigan for the ground fight. [http://www.tonyskansascity.com/2016/06/tkc-must-read-md-alam-strikes-back.html]. On March 15, 2016, the day of the Missouri Primary MD Alam and Derron Black prompted the National report of Bernie Sanders campaign [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUFoRekz_Hg].
After the DNC Convention in Philadelphia, PA, when Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination, Alam was tapped to be the National Campaign for Hillary Clinton for the Muslim Counterpart. Tony’s Kansas City a Mid-Western media outlet reported Alam’s position with Hillary Clinton National campaign [http://www.tonyskansascity.com/2016/11/tkc-must-see-south-kansas-city-politico.html]. On October 9, 2016 Alam leaded the National Conference for Muslim American for Hilary Clinton [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUFoRekz_Hg]. On Nov 4, 2016, “Creeping Sharia” a right wing propaganda how negatively reported about Hilliary Clinton’s Pre-election meeting with MD Alam as pathetics and hatefull and titled as bellow “ Hillary Clinton Meets with Homophobic Muslim 9/11 Truther Days Before Election “ [https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2016/11/04/hillary-clinton-meets-with-homophobic-muslim-911-truther-days-before-election/]
Alam also, chaired the Muslim American for Hillary Clinton’s only National Rally in New York on 8/30/2018. Here is the national Delegation for Hillary Campaign on Regional TV [https://youtu.be/RcBQGXPU5_g]. Alam chaired the National Rally [https://www.facebook.com/banglavision/videos/1256496921073265/]. MD Alam has been appeared in Fox News, CNN, BBC and many local regional news outlets. Here is a heated debate at Fox News with Judge Jeanine Pirro about Muslim March [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOIVUytlT0E].
Currently, MD Alam hosts News & Views and Talk-Show in Millennium TV nationally. Here is a Facebbok Link for such TV News & Views: https://www.facebook.com/millenniumtvusa/videos/1459741054077859/
Alam is the National Field Director of “#45thImpeachment.com” a National Movement for signing Trump’s Impeachment. Here is the website of Trump’s Impeachment National official website: www.45thimpeachment.com. Alam also, has appeared on CNN for a speech of “Trump’s Muslim Ban 3.0” protest Rally in Detroit on Oct 27, 2017 [https://youtu.be/40WER5JtLZ4]. In the local community wide, Alam had leaded movement to STOP Genocides in Burma on Oct 2, 2017 [https://youtu.be/34U8KF1qvik]. And on 9/15/2017 at the Veteran Memorial Park in Hamtramck, MI [https://www.facebook.com/100008847647017/videos/1725604337744471/]. On september 9, 2017 Alam appeared at the Hamtramck City Hall for the Protest on Stop the External & Internal War in Yemen [https://youtu.be/bQ6AvZqaQlQ]. On August 19, 2017 Alam presented and spoke at the 68 Years of Oppression Rally Against Israel in Palestine at the Veteran Memorial Park in hamtramck. Alam was a guest speaker from AMPAC [https://youtu.be/a96d7I6FPEo]. On November 26, 2017, Alam hosted a Town-Hall event co sponsorship with One Hamtramck about the Updates on Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh [https://www.facebook.com/nayeem.choudhury.5/videos/2196873337005144/].
These issues all are here in our district. We have hundreds and thousands are suffering, no matter where are you from ranging from Azerbizan, Bosnia, Somaliya, Syariya, Lybia, Afghanstan, Iraq, Burma, Palestine, Yemen, Or Bangladesh, it’s all our local and Global suffering here at our home in Hamtramck and Detroit. No matter what happens, I will continue to stand for our rights as a rightful community as a Muslim American we have no other options. Here, either your acknowledge it or not, we Muslim Americans are victimized and villainized and end of the day we are under represented. There is not a single candidate, who will be more qualified or experienced to lead us and moving us forward as American as well as with our dignity as a Muslim American. Being a Nationally recognized Muslim American Democrat, it is my question to you what qualification do you need for a candidate that will be a propelling power for our solidarity, diganity, mortal values, peace, harmony and justice? Finally, once again, I am the President of Michigan State Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL) and the national Director of Organizing for ASAAL, the Muslim American National Labor Union Movement and an Legally educated on Rules, Laws, Covenants, Compliance and Governance. I am pragmatic and hopeful that Muslim American here in Detroit MI from House District 4, the time is the essence to elect our own to be representing us in Lansing at the Michigan Capital as our State Representative.
I am not new to the political system and I am equipped with the right mentality with quality, commitment and due diligence. I understand our community need and our representation. I will fight against Trump either I am elected or not, I will stand up and fight against his Reckless and unreasonable actions. I am committed to stand for the betterment of our community, state and nation, no matter what happen to my election outcome. I will stand with our Teachers, Students to provide a safer teaching-learning environment, I will stand for Lowering Michigan’s Insurance as quoted “NO FAULT INSURANCE”, I will stand to provide bills that will help our low income families. I will work as the liaison between the aisle to be an advocate. My tacit knowledge and experience as vital as we move forward. Please visit my official campaign site [www.MDALAM.us] and our campaign need your help and support. I remember as both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders taught me that “We have no power, without you, and this campaign is not about me, it’s all about you,” my brothers, sisters and fellow countrymen & women. Lastly, Since, I stood in the front line at the war and defended your freedom, that you enjoy every day, will you trust me, support me, vote me and elect me as your trusted state representative? “I am proud and honoured to serve our country, now I am seeking your permission to serve you again as your next Michigan State Representative, PLEASE ELECT ME ON AUGUST 7, 2018”
Army Awards, Honours & Certificates:
- Army Good Conduct Medal (2000)
- Army Good Conduct medal (2001)
- Army Achievement Medal
- Army Overseas Service Medal
- Army European Service Medal
- Army Overseas Service Ribbon
- Army Central East Command Service Medal
- Army Operation Southern Watch Medal
- Army Middle East Service Ribbon
- Army Operation Fox Desert Shields Medal
- Army “OIF” Operation Iraqi Freedom Service Medal
- Anti-Terrorism Training Award and Distinction
- Army Non-Commissioned Officer Training Award
- Army European Command NCO Training Ribbon
- Army War Time Operation Training Award
- Army Rear Detachment Management and Readiness Award
- Army Logistics Operations, Arms, Amination and Nuclear Operation Training Award
- Army Supply Chain Management & Garrison Command Training Award
- Army Field Sanitation, Personnel Readiness and Battery Operation Training Award
- Numerous FTX Field Training Operations Award
- War Time Operational Equipment & Company Level Sergeant Certificate
- Army Signal, Operational and Command Control Award
- Garrison Control & Quarter in charge NCO Award
- Army Individual Advanced Training Certificate
- Army Basic Combat Training Certificate
MD Rabbi Alam
Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4
Email: Campaign@MDALAM.us, Website: www.MDALAM.us
Campaign: 844-556-8333
Trump Fulfilled Incest Fantasy with Porn Star Stormy Daniels
Family values: Porn star Stormy Daniels says President Trump told her she was “just like his daughter” Ivanka.
In a disturbing report, Porn star Stormy Daniels tells In Touch magazine that Trump had an affair with her right after his wife Melania gave birth to their son Barron.
In fact, multiple media reports indicate Donald Trump paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in 2016 to keep silent about a sexual affair the two had more than 10 years ago. The payoff came right before the 2016 presidential election.
Daniels (given name: Stephanie Clifford) told the magazine that Trump said she was “just like his daughter” Ivanka.
Discussing her sexual affair with Trump, Daniels told In Touch:
We had really good banter. He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful, smart, just like his daughter.
Reporting on the story, Spin Magazine notes:
Our now president reportedly comparing a woman he was allegedly sleeping with to Ivanka is just another creepy addition to his long history of going out of his way to sexualize his daughter.
Donald Trump loves to tell dirty jokes and banter about sex. And when he is telling these dirty jokes or bantering about sex, one of his very favorite subjects is how much he’d like to fuck his elder daughter. For decades, he has been talking about Ivanka’s body, her sex life, and his attraction to her, often with no provocation.
Indeed, Trump has made multiple public statements hinting at his incestuous sexual attraction for his daughter Ivanka.
For example, BuzzFeed reports Trump once asked:
Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?
Another example, Rolling Stone reports Trump once said:
Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father….
Trump once told Howard Stern:
You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.
And while appearing on a talk show with his daughter, Trump made this startling statement:
I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.
Bottom line: Trump had an affair with a porn star, and told her she reminded him of his daughter, Ivanka.
Family values…