MD Rabbi Alam (D-MI): Candidate, State Representative, District # 4
MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District # 4, 2018,
MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4. Vote on August 7, 2018
MD Alam is Veteran, served in the United States Army. Alam was a sergeant and honorably discharged. Alam served our country with pride, dignity and honor. Alam defended our national freedom as he served in the “Iraq war”.
Alam earned a Bachelor of Science Honors in Biology & minor in Mathematics, a 2nd Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Government. Alam earned an MBA in MIS also an MA in Mathematics and Teacher Certification. Alam finished Doctoral Courses at University of North Texas, Denton in ECMP “Educational Computational Mathematics” and a Ph. D Candidate. Currently Alam is attending Western Michigan University Cooley Law School and a Candidate for a Juris Doctor (JD). Alam attended University of Michigan Dearborn and finished 24 hours of Arabic Language Courses. Alam is a distinct graduate and the recipient of Dale Carnegie Leadership award.
Alam has worked as an intern at the Public defender of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor; MI. Currently Alam is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MS Corporation and the Chairman of the Board Director of Minority Directed Small Business. Before becoming the CEO Alam worked as a High School Math Teacher in the Imagine Renaissance Academy and Derrick Thomas Academy of Math and Science. Alam also, worked as a Certified IT Professional in the Software Development and UAT Test Engineer. Alam is a successful IT Business Analyst.
MD Alam: Candidate for State Representative, District # 4 in Michigan, speaking at the Conquirng Baptist Church in Detroit on June 3rd, 2018. The Primary election is on August 7, 2018. Vote and Elect MD Alam, a Veteran of Iraq war, former DNC Caucus Chair and a Community activist who is the founder of American Muslim Political Action Committee and is the national field director of MD Alam is asking all the faith community to come out and support him and vote for him. MD Alam is a part time Imam at Metro Detroit Community and performs Friday Sermons in Detroit, Dearborn, & Hamtramck.
For more details visit campaign website at Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact with us. Call us on 844.556.8333 or just send us an email at
Day after the campaign kick off event of MD Rabbi Alam for State Representative from Michigan House District 4 in 2018 Democratic Primary Election. On Monday, March 26, 2018, Honorable Coleman A. Young II, Michigan State Senator endorses MD Alam. Senator Coleman is happy to endorse MD Alam and our campaign proud and excited to accept the huge endorsement from the Senator.
Senator Coleman A. Young II is also a candidate for United States Congress from Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. Here is the endorsement video for you to enjoy. Mr. Alam said honored and happy to call Senator Coleman as a fighter and as a good friend. In response, MD Alam said, he is also happy to endorse Senator Coleman for his Congressional race. Alam is asking the Bangladeshi American Political Action Committee (BAPAC). Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL) and American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) to consider and help and supportive for Coleman A. Young II in coming months.
For details contact our campaign by emailing us at or visit us at
Thank you.
On behalf of MD Alam for House,
Ja’Miah Davis, Media Director
Huge Endorsement for MD Alam for House : Senator Coleman A Young receives huge endorsement
MD Alam for State Representative: Campaign Dinner and Fundraising Event Invitation
MD Alam for Michigan State Representative for House District 4: Campaign Dinner and Fundraising on 3/25/2018 at Gates of Columbus Banquet Hall on 9632 Conanat Ave, Hamtramck, Mi 48212.
Dear friends and Community member brothers & sisters:
You are invited to Join our campaign Dinner & Fundraising on March 25, 2018 on Sunday at 3-7 pm Gates Of Columbus Banquet Hall & Catering located on 9632 Conanat Ave, Hamtramck, MI 4821. The event is free and Donations are accepted. For any candidates To RSVP Call 1.844.556.833 or email
See you all. Thank you.
MD Alam, U.S. Army Veteran & Former DNC Caucus Chairman
Candidate, State Representative, MI House District 4
Campaign Website:
Campaign Email:
Toll Free Campaign Number: 1.844.556.8333
MD Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4:
Mohammed Rabbi Alam known as “MD Alam”. MD Alam is Veteran of United States Military. Alam served in the United States Army. Alam was a Army sergeant and honorably discharged from the United States Army in 2005. Alam served our country with pride, dignity and honour. Alam defended our national freedom as he served in the “Operation Iraqi Freedom” and served our Military with the scope of “Iraq war”. Alam was born and raised in Bangladesh, where he earned a Bachelor of Science Honours in Biology & minor in Mathematics, from Bangladesh National University. Alam earned a 2nd Bachelor of Arts Degree in “Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, Islamic Studies, Islamic History & Political Science” from Bangladesh National University as well. Alam also completed two years of Law School in Bangladesh.
Before joining in the U.S. Army, Alam worked for three years as a Pharmaceutical Business Analyst for Advanced Chemical Industries in Eli-Lilly a NJ based Pharmaceutical Company. While serving in the U.S. Army Alam earned M.Sc in Military Science from University of Maryland (UMD). Later, Alam earned Masters of Business Administration in Management Information System (MBA in MIS) from University of Phoenix (UOP). Alam also earned his 3rd Graduate Degree Masters of Arts in Mathematics & Education as well as the High School Mathematics Teaching Certification from University of Missouri (UM). Alam went to University of North Texas (UNT) Denton and completed all doctoral course works except the dissertation defense in Educational Computational Mathematics. Recently Alam is Juris Doctor (JD) candidate at Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Alam is expected to take the Michigan Bar in the fall of 2018. Alam is a Distinct graduate and the recipient of Dale Carnegie Leadership award. Alam has worked as a Student Attorney as a Public defender of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor, MI. Currently Alam is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MS Corporation and the Chairman of the Board of Minority Directed Small Business (MDSBIZ). Before becoming the CEO Alam worked as a Certified High School Math Teacher in the Imagine Renaissance Academy and Derrick Thomas Academy of Math and Science. Alam also, worked as a Certified IT Professional in the Software Development and UAT Test Engineer in both IT & Telecommunication domain. Alam is a successful IT Business Analyst & a Political Consultant and Analyst.
In 2007, Alam established the “Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus (MDPAAC)” and was the founding chairman of the Political PAC which established 11 Caucus Chapters in his leadership. As part of Professional involvement, Alam hosts “National Political & Community Talk-Show” with Dr. Kevin Barrett of Wisconsin, Imam Walli Karim of Chicago, Mayor Mohammed T. Khairullah of Prospect Park, NJ. and Dr. Rashid Malik of Atlanta, GA (
In 2008, Alam served as a Satellite Campaign Manager of then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama from the Mid-Western Region of Campaign. In 2008, Alam served as an Executive member of DNC’s Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (API Caucus). In 2010, Alam was elected as the Democratic Committeeman from Jackson County Missouri’s 26 ward. Alam served as the Democratic Committeeman from 2010-2012. From 2010-2012, Alam has served as the national chairman for DNC’s Democratic Party Asian American Caucus and as chair for its national convention in 2011. In 2012, Alam established the Bangladeshi American Political Action Committee (BAPAC), which has currently 18 states chapters nationwide. In 2012-2014, Alam served as the executive member of DNC’s Ethnic Council and in 2014-2016, Alam served as an executive member of Democratic Veteran Caucus. Alam has a long standing in the DNC and the Democratic National Caucus.
Alam leads national Muslim-American political movement and a frequent Jummah khatib (Friday Sermon) nationwide. Alam has delivered Khutba in many states including Sermon at the United States House of Representative in the Capitol in Washington DC. Alam is the Founder of “American Muslim Political Action Committee, AMPAC” (Wikipedia Link for AMPAC listed as a Political organization in U.S.A: AMPAC is a purely political movement to empower of Muslim Americans in the Political offices and electing Muslims in our government. On September 6, 2013, Washington Free Beacon reported about MD Alam and AMPAC as targeting MD Alam and his DNC ties as 911 Truth PAC (
On July 10, 2012, Washington Free Beacon titled MD Alam as Secretary of Truth and Defame his as “Anti-Semitic” which Alam cleared his positions as Anti-Zionism, not as anti-semitic. Alam’s strong Islamic movement and standing for Muslim American’s dignity, rights, value and solidarity, Alam is always a advocate and vocal for Muslim American Community and denied muslims connection with 9/11 attack. As Alam believed that those who were involved with 9/11 were not a good practicing muslims and Muslim Americans should not be responsible for those 19 attackers. As Alam always speaks to the point and stands for the Muslim Americans, the Fox news, the Washington Free Beacon and the Right wing media always after him. Here, the Washington Free Beacon Titled him as “#Secretary_of_Truth” on 7/12/2012 (
This is how Huffington Post described about Alam’s Mulsim March on 9/11/13: It was more became fearful and the Right Wing Fox news media and propaganda spreaded the fear of the march. Finally this is how Wikipedia reported about the Million Muslim March on 9/11/13: as Dr. Cornel west and many dignitaries attended this event, even after the threatening from the Bikers of America. “Million_Muslim_March”
This was how Washington Dc Fox 4 Reported about the Muslim March in DC on 9/11/2013: “Million Muslim March” Attendees Confronted by Christian Protesters on National Mall. Alam argues that Muslim Americans should politically supporting to him as he continues to take fight for the betterment and solidarity of Muslim americans as well as community at large against the Republican party and it’s Right wings allies.
One of the notorious Anti-Muslim Propagandist #Daniels_Pipe reported that, MD Rabbi Alam, A Democrat to watch?” It’s always a uphill battle for Mr. Alam while always standing for the Muslims Rights in America and being Democratic Caucus Chairman, got heavily attacked by Republican leaded media brutality. Blog reported by women of Grace about the Million Muslim March and Mr. Alam was that “it’s outrageous” however, the point, is Alam is one and only who openly challenges the main stream Republican and Fox News.
As because Mr. Alam stands for the Islam and Muslim in America, he always get the back fires. But Alam never backed down. Alam believes that it is time for Muslim to be electing a right, qualified and a true leader who will be standing for the Community. Alam’s movement for “Educating our own Community” and strong vocal, Alam has called names and defamed as Jihadist or Radical Islamist (, yet Alam is strong, clean and a solid democrat who has long standing of National leadership. Alam is asking for your support that he could represent the Hamtramck, Detroit Muslim Community along with Community At-Large in the Michigan 4th State House District in 2018 Democratic Primary Election.
Alam is the National Field Director of “” a National Movement for signing Trump’s Impeachment. Here is the website of Trump’s Impeachment National official website: Alam also, has appeared on CNN for a speech of “Trump’s Muslim Ban 3.0” protest Rally in Detroit on Oct 27, 2017 []. In the local community wide, Alam had leaded movement to STOP Genocides in Burma on Oct 2, 2017 []. And on 9/15/2017 at the Veteran Memorial Park in Hamtramck, MI []. On september 9, 2017 Alam appeared at the Hamtramck City Hall for the Protest on Stop the External & Internal War in Yemen []. On August 19, 2017 Alam presented and spoke at the 68 Years of Oppression Rally Against Israel in Palestine at the Veteran Memorial Park in hamtramck. Alam was a guest speaker from AMPAC []. On November 26, 2017, Alam hosted a Town-Hall event co sponsorship with One Hamtramck about the Updates on Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh [].
These issues all are here in our district. We have hundreds and thousands are suffering, no matter where are you from ranging from Azerbizan, Bosnia, Somaliya, Syariya, Lybia, Afghanstan, Iraq, Burma, Palestine, Yemen, Or Bangladesh, it’s all our local and Global suffering here at our home in Hamtramck and Detroit. No matter what happens, I will continue to stand for our rights as a rightful community as a Muslim American we have no other options. Here, either your acknowledge it or not, we Muslim Americans are victimized and villainized and end of the day we are under represented. There is not a single candidate, who will be more qualified or experienced to lead us and moving us forward as American as well as with our dignity as a Muslim American. Being a Nationally recognized Muslim American Democrat, it is my question to you what qualification do you need for a candidate that will be a propelling power for our solidarity, diganity, mortal values, peace, harmony and justice? Finally, once again, I am the President of Michigan State Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL) and the national Director of Organizing for ASAAL, the Muslim American National Labor Union Movement and an Legally educated on Rules, Laws, Covenants, Compliance and Governance. I am pragmatic and hopeful that Muslim American here in Detroit MI from House District 4, the time is the essence to elect our own to be representing us in Lansing at the Michigan Capital as our State Representative.
I am not new to the political system and I am equipped with the right mentality with quality, commitment and due diligence. I understand our community need and our representation. I will fight against Trump either I am elected or not, I will stand up and fight against his Reckless and unreasonable actions. I am committed to stand for the betterment of our community, state and nation, no matter what happen to my election outcome. I will stand with our Teachers, Students to provide a safer teaching-learning environment, I will stand for Lowering Michigan’s Insurance as quoted “NO FAULT INSURANCE”, I will stand to provide bills that will help our low income families. I will work as the liaison between the aisle to be an advocate. My tacit knowledge and experience as vital as we move forward. Please visit my official campaign site [] and our campaign need your help and support. I remember as both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders taught me that “We have no power, without you, and this campaign is not about me, it’s all about you,” my brothers, sisters and fellow countrymen & women. Lastly, Since, I stood in the front line at the war and defended your freedom, that you enjoy every day, will you trust me, support me, vote me and elect me as your trusted state representative? “I am proud and honoured to serve our country, now I am seeking your permission to serve you again as your next Michigan State Representative, PLEASE ELECT ME ON AUGUST 7, 2018”
Army Awards, Honours & Certificates:
Army Good Conduct Medal (2000)
Army Good Conduct medal (2001)
Army Achievement Medal
Army Overseas Service Medal
Army European Service Medal
Army Overseas Service Ribbon
Army Central East Command Service Medal
Army Operation Southern Watch Medal
Army Middle East Service Ribbon
Army Operation Fox Desert Shields Medal
Army “OIF” Operation Iraqi Freedom Service Medal
Anti-Terrorism Training Award and Distinction
Army Non-Commissioned Officer Training Award
Army European Command NCO Training Ribbon
Army War Time Operation Training Award
Army Rear Detachment Management and Readiness Award
Army Logistics Operations, Arms, Amination and Nuclear Operation Training Award
Army Supply Chain Management & Garrison Command Training Award
Army Field Sanitation, Personnel Readiness and Battery Operation Training Award
Numerous FTX Field Training Operations Award
War Time Operational Equipment & Company Level Sergeant Certificate
Army Signal, Operational and Command Control Award
Garrison Control & Quarter in charge NCO Award
Army Individual Advanced Training Certificate
Army Basic Combat Training Certificate
MD Rabbi Alam
Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4
The Democrats sent a very political and long response memo which they knew, because of sources and methods (and more), would have to be heavily redacted, whereupon they would blame the White House for lack of transparency. Told them to re-do and send back in proper form!
The Democratic memo which Trump describes as “long,” presumably meaning that he didn’t actually read it, responds to and corrects the inaccuracies, out of context information, and misleading conclusions of the Republican memo which Trump claims “vindicates” him in the Russia investigation.
Even his ardent supporters in the Republican party find that claim to be erroneous at best, with House Intelligence Committee member Trey Gowdy tweeting that the Nunes memo has nothing to do with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation.
While this memo raises serious concerns with the FISA process, I have been and remain confident in the overwhelming majority of the men and women serving at the FBI and DOJ.
As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not – in any way – discredit his investigation.
The fact is that Trump never intended to let the Democrats show that the Nunes memo is a fraud, although its public reception indicates that the majority of the populace has already discredited it.
Despite Trump’s calls for more redactions from the Democratic response memo, Rep. Schiff pointed out in a statement on Friday night that the FBI and Justice Department had already vetted their memo, which was based on the same documents that the Republican memo cited, prior to the Intelligence Committee unanimously voting for its disclosure.
“We will be reviewing the recommended redactions from D.O.J. and F.B.I., which these agencies shared with the White House,” Rep. Schiff said, “and look forward to conferring with the agencies to determine how we can properly inform the American people about the misleading attack on law enforcement by the G.O.P. and address any concerns over sources and methods.”
Stay tuned for more updates on the situation as the Intelligence Committee can vote to override the President’s decision by referring the matter to the full House for a vote. It will be interesting to see if Republicans will be brave enough to stand up
Apparently, classified information only matters if you’re a Democrat.
How else could you explain President Trump’s decision not to approve the public release of the memo composed by the Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee in rebuttal to Rep.Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) flawed partisan screed that he approved for release last week over the objections of the FBI because of its inclusion of classified material.
Trump instructed his White House Counsel Don McGahn to write a letter to the House Intelligence Committee transmitting his decision, according to a report in The Huffington Post.
In it, McGahn claims that Trump is “inclined to declassify” the Democratic memo, he won’t right now because it contains “numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages.” Yeah, right. Just like the Republican memo that Trump claimed “vindicated” him of collusion and obstruction of justice that he declassified anyway.
Of course, since the Democrats memo purports to point out all of the ways that the central premise of the Republican memo is flawed by using cherry-picked details to support an unreasonable conclusion, it won’t be any more vindicating for Trump than Nunes’ memo which fell considerably short of the massive hype that the Republican’s touted.
Getting back to the question of how to rectify Trump’s decision to repress the Democratic response to a flawed assertion by the GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee with the ease with which he promulgated the Republican memo, there are several possibilities.
Firstly, because the rebuttal, written by the ranking Democrat on the Committee, Adam Schiff (D-CA), includes the details that explain why Nunes’ memo is misleading and factually faulty, it actually does include information that is classified and also part of the investigation still being conducted by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. If this is true, then the memo does need to be redacted before being published, as Nunes’ memo should have been as well.
A second possible explanation is that our credulous President really believes that the Nunes memo does absolve him of blame in the investigation and will do nothing that undermines that premise, such as releasing a memo that proves Nunes’ conclusions are false.
The third, and most likely, explanation is that Trump is continuing to obstruct justice by suppressing Schiff’s memo, desperately clinging to the fiction of innocence that he’s trying to sell the public while digging himself deeper into a morass of cover-ups and lies.
Given that Schiff has said that his document provides the missing context in the already public memo from the Republicans and that it lays out the “full facts” of the circumstances surrounding the FBI’s application for a FISA surveillance warrant on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page as he met with Russian agents, it’s not surprising that Trump doesn’t want to let it see the light of day.
What is surprising is that Trump still thinks he can get away with it without damage to him and his administration.
You can read the full text of McGahn’s letter to the House Intelligence Committee below.
Back in November of 2017, news broke that U.S. Border Patrol agent Rogelio Martinez died tragically on night duty, while his partner, Stephen Garland, suffered severe injuries. The men were found at the bottom of a deep culvert, and officials from the Border Patrol Union were quick to call the two men victims of a brutal assault, presumably by individuals trying to cross the border from Mexico.
President Donald Trump seized on the news and the Union’s interpretation of the event, and took to Twitter to politicize the tragedy.
Border Patrol Officer killed at Southern Border, another badly hurt. We will seek out and bring to justice those responsible. We will, and must, build the Wall!
After an exhaustive investigation, however, authorities now believe the two men died from injuries sustained after a tragic accidental fall, not at the hands of assailants coming into the country illegally.
According to Nick Miroff and Robert Moore of the Washington Post, “The top official of the U.S. Border Patrol has told his staff that the November death of an agent in West Texas was the result of an accidental fall, not an attack, according to a memo that refutes the version of the incident advanced by President Trump to renew his calls for a border wall.”
“More than two months into its investigation, the FBI said Wednesday that it found no signs the agents were assaulted. Kevin McAleenan, the acting commissioner of the Border Patrol, told his staff this week that the men fell into a nine-foot-deep culvert on a pitch-black night.”
“Garland survived the fall,” Miroff and Moore’s report continues, “but he’s told investigators he has no memory of what happened and has not spoken publicly about the incident. An autopsy released Tuesday listed the cause of Martinez’s death as ‘undetermined.’ ”
Sen. John Cornyn of Texas also promised Rogelio Martinez’s family that the attackers would be brought to justice, but he quickly acknowledged the new reality. “Maybe it’s a cautionary tale that all of us need to take a deep breath when things like this happen,” he told the Texas Tribune, “and realize that we don’t have all the information and wait until we get a little more information before reaching conclusions.”
Ya think?
The president has yet to echo anything like Sen. Cornyn’s dignified concession on the matter. If history is any indication, don’t expect one any time soon, either.
Donald Trump is a man of many talents. Perhaps not as many as exist in his mind, or in the minds of his shrinking band on minions, but even the harshest critics of the 45th president have to concede an elevated degree of aptitude in a few select areas of endeavor.
Real estate is one, perhaps, and certainly in the 1980s he turned a small inherited fortune into a much larger one through real estate development before declaring the first of many bankruptcies in 1991.
Reality television is another, definitely, as the ratings for the very successful “Apprentice” series show. And let’s not forget his talent for slapping his name on everything from vodka to steaks to fraudulent universities. Most of those enterprises ended in failure (and in the case of Trump University, in class action lawsuits that could end up costing him hundreds of millions of dollars), but Trump still got paid generous licensing fees, so all told, we have to give him the W on those.
Solving crimes based on what he learns from cable news, however, isn’t one his talents, nor is owning up to false statements when they’ve been proven to be so.
President Trump’s most famous fail on both accounts was his years-long attempt to prove the conspiracy theory that President Obama was born outside the United States, and no apology came when Obama’s long form birth certificate was finally produced, killing the “Birther” movement once and for all.
But his first swing and miss at cracking cases came back in the late 1980s, when he declared the Central Park Five – four Black males and one Hispanic male, all teenagers at the time – guilty of beating and raping a white female jogger less than two weeks after their arrest.
Trump took out full page ads in all of New York City’s major daily newspapers calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York state specifically for the Central Park Five, who were still months away from standing trial.
After a sham investigation, problematic confessions, and other nasty bits of police and judicial malpractice, the men were tried and convicted, only to be exonerated and their convictions vacated years later when the real perpetrator – a completely unrelated serial rapist – confessed to the crime. His confession was confirmed by DNA analysis, but not before the five wrongly tried and convicted men served between 6-13 years.
President Trump has never apologized to the Central Park Five for his inflammatory role in the case, nor has he even acknowledged that he was wrong. In fact, during the 2016 campaign, he doubled down on his thoroughly debunked position when he told CNN just weeks before the election, “They admitted they were guilty. The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that that case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous.”
As irresponsible as Trump’s impetuous rush to judgement in the tragic death of Border Patrol agent Rogelio Martinez was, however, at least there’s no wrongly accused or convicted immigrant sitting in a jail cell as a consequence this time.
A second White House aide has resigned following allegations of domestic abuse.
Speechwriter David Sorenson’s ex-wife revealed the disturbing details of the couple’s rocky two and a half year marriage. She claimed Sorenson was emotionally abusive and violent while they were together.
Sorenson forcefully denied the claims but did also immediately tender his resignation. Nothing says “innocent” like instantaneously walking away from your job.
This is the second resignation in as many days, following the bombshell reveal of White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter’s multiple accusations of domestic abuse by his two ex-wives.
The White House has come under fire for the handling of Porter’s case after it was revealed that both of Porter’s ex-wives recounted the abuses in detail to the FBI as part of Porter’s background check. That means that Chief of Staff John Kelly had to have known about Porter’s wrongdoings for almost a full year before doing anything about it.
Porter has had access to classified information since he assumed his position, despite the fact that he had these allegations levied against him, and that he could be compromised as a result.
The President himself has defended Porter, going so far as to question the veracity of both ex-wives’ claims in private. This continues a trend for Trump, who seems to always side with the accused aggressor while questioning and degrading the women who do the accusing.
The President is accused of sexual harassment and abuse by at least 19 women.