VOTE and ELECT Dr. Mohammad Alam on 8/6/2024. Michigan 13th District. Vote for Dr, MD Rabbi Alam. Campaign Message to the constituency. Vote for the People and vote for CHANGE.
I served the Country & I want to serve you: Dr. ALAM for Congress MI 13th District. Vote for People. Dr. Mohammad Alam’s Campaign Pillars: Michigan 13th District Dr. Mohammad Alam’s Campaign Pillars: Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire Veteran’s well-being and complete Mental Health care Universal Health Care: Single Payer Defunding Israel and Impose sanctions Affordable Housing: End Homelessness Student loan forgiveness: Affordable Education Stricter Gun Control: 2nd Amendment rights Green Energy and Environment Dream Act & Immiigration For more details please visit: To contact Dr. Alam email at
“Dr. MD Rabbi Alam” is a Veteran of Iraq war and Afghan war, and a former United States Army Sergeant. Dr. Alam is former DNC Asian Caucus Chair. Dr. Alam is the founder of Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus MDPAAC. Dr. Alam is a Co-founder of American Muslim Political Action Committee AMPAC and the organizer of the Million Muslim March at the National Mall. In 2008, Dr. Alam served as a satellite campaign manager for then Presidential Candiadte former U.S. President Barack Obama. In 2015 Dr. Alam served as the National Campaign Chair for Muslims for Bernie Sanders. After the Primary of 2016 in the Hillary Clinton Campaign Dr. Alam was appointed as the Muslims for Hillary Clinton Campaign Director. In 2020, Dr. Alam served as the the National Campaign Chair for Muslims for Biden-Harris Campaign. Currently Dr. Alam serves as the National Vice President of Alliance of South Asian American Labor ASAAL-National council. Dr. Alam also serves as the National Convention Director of ASAAL-National. Dr. Alam is the President of the organization to represent the founding father of Bangladesh “Bangabandhu Parishad USA” and founder of Bangabandhu Commission. Currently Dr. Alam serves as the Director of Legislation of the United States Postal Workers Union of Local 295 in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Dr. Alam holds a PHD and a JD. Dr. Alam serves as an Interfaith Imam and the founder of the Islamic Dawah Foundation of North America. Dr. Alam is the Director of Millennium TV and a National Radio Talk-show host. Dr. Alam founded No Muslim Registry and collected over 260K signatures for Trump’s Impeachment campaign. In 2017, Dr. Alam established the movement Against Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigration mandate “” Dr. Alam organized the progressive movement “Register to Vote and Our Revolution” a movement head by Senator Bernie Sanders. In 2006, Dr. Alam served as the President of Loma Vista West Townhouses in South Kansas City. In 2008, Dr. Alam was appointed in the Property Mantainance Appeal Board in Kansas City, MO. In 2010 Dr. Alam ran for the Missouri’s 50th State House District. In 2010, Dr. Alam was elected as the Ward Committeeman of Jackson County 26th Ward. In 2011, Dr. Alam ran for the Kansas City Missouri 6th District City Councilman. In 2012, and 2016, Dr. Alam ran for Missouri Secretary of State. In 2018 and 2020, Dr. Alam ran for State Representative from MI HD-4.
In the fall of 2001, Dr. Alam visited the Mecca, in Saudi Arabia and completed the Pilgrimage and became an Al-Hajji with completion of the Hajj. Dr. Alam is a Public Speaker and travelled over few dozens of countries for international gathering and public speaking on Interfaith dialogues. Dr. Alam appeared in the local, national, and international television more than 500 times on different issues. Dr. Alam has a BS in Biology, BA in Political Science and Gov, MA in Mathematics, MS in MIS, MBA in Military Science, Doctoral in ECMP, and a Juris Doctorate in Law and Jurisprudence. Currently Dr. Alam serves in the United States Postal Service and an active and proud member of APWU of Local 295.
Let’s come out vote and elect a true patriot, an educator, an IT professional, a Media Personalities and a Community Activist on August 2nd, 2022 in the Democratic Primary and on November 1st, 2022 in the General Election.
Dr. Rabbi Alam is the top Muslim American Activist & Politician in the Nov 3, 2020 General Election running for Michigan HD 4.
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে বাংলাদেশি আমেরিকান ডঃ মোহাম্মেদ রাব্বি আলম (Md R Alam) মিশিগান আংগরােজ্যর নির্বাচনের প্রাথীতা ঘোষণা করলেন । Dr. Rabbi Alam is the top Muslim American Activist & Politician in the Nov 3, 2020 General Election running for Michigan HD 4.
বাংলাদেশে জন্মগ্রহণকারী ডঃ এম ডি রাব্বি আলম যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মিশিগান আংগরােজ্যর ২০২০ সালের নির্বাচনের প্রাথীতা ঘোষণা করলেন। গত মঙ্গলবার ১৬ শে জুলাই ২০২০ বিকাল ৫ ঘটিকার সময় হ্যামট্রামিক শহরের নির্বাচনি কার্যালয় হতে জনাব রাব্বি আলম এই নির্বাচনী প্রচারনা শুরু করেন।
ডঃ রাব্বি আলম আমেরিকার সেনাবাহিনীর আবসর প্রাপ্ত সাবেক সার্জেন্ট এবং যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ড্যামোক্রাটিক ন্যাশনাল কমিটির ককাসের প্রাক্তন সভাপতি এবং মিসোরি ড্যামোক্রাটিক পার্টির এশিয়ান ককাসের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা । এম ডি রাব্বি আলম ২০০৮ সালে সাবেক প্রেসিডেন্ট বারাক ওবামার সাটেলাইট ক্যাম্পেইন ম্যানেজার হিসাবে দায়ীত্ব পালন করেছেন । ২০১৬ সালের নির্বাচনে ড্যামোক্রাটিক প্রাথী বার্নী সানডারশ এর ক্যাম্পেইনের “মুসলিম আমেরিকান ফর বার্নী সানডারশ” উইং এর চেয়ারম্যান হিসাবে কাজ করেছেন ।
শেষমেশ ড্যামোক্রাটিক ন্যাশনাল কমিটির (ডি এন সি) ন্যাশনাল কনভেনশনে যখন হিলারি ক্লিনটন এর প্রেসিডেন্ট পদ প্রাথীতা চুড়াণত্ব ঘোষণা করলো, ঠিক তখন এম ডি রাব্বি আলমকে “মুসলিম ড্যামোক্রাট ফর হিলারি ক্লিনটন” ক্যাম্পেইন এর সভাপতি নিযুক্ত হন। নিউ-ওরক, মিসোরি, মিশিগান, ওয়াশিংটন ডি সি, এবং শিকাগো সহ অনেক সফল “হিলারি রালী” এর নেতৃত্ব দেন।
২০১৬ এর নির্বাচনে ড্যামোক্রাটিক দলের পরাজয়ের পরে যখন রক্ষণশীল কট্টর পন্থী ডোনালদ ট্রাম্প ক্ষমতায় এসে মুসল্মান সহ, লাতিনো – হিস্পানিক, কালোসহ সকল সংখ্যালঘু দের উপর কট্টর পন্থী নিয়মনীতি চালু করেন। তখন থেকে এম ডি রাব্বি আলমের লিডারসিপ এ “” অগ্রযাত্রা শুরু হয় । ট্রাম্প বিরোধী এই আন্দোলনে সাড়াদেয় লক্ষ লক্ষ জনগণ । জাতি, ধর্ম, বর্ণ, গোত্র, সম্রদয় ভুলে গিয়া কাঁধে কাঁধ মিলিয়ে কাজ করার ফলে এম ডি রাব্বি আলম এবং “” মুভমেন্ট ট্রাম্পকে হটানোর জন্য তিন লক্ষধিক সিগনেচার সগ্রহ করেন।
শুধু তাই নয়, এম ডি রাব্বি আলম, আমেরিকার মুসলিম মুভমেন্ট এর নেতৃত্ব দেন । ২০১২ সালে এম ডি রাব্বি আলম মুসলানদের প্রথম রাজনিতিক সংগঠন “আমেরিকান মুসলিম পলিটিকাল একশান কমিটি” প্রতিষ্ঠিত করেন । ২০১৩ সালের ১১ ই সেপটেমবর মিলিয়ন মুসলিম মার্চের ডাকদেন ওয়াশিংটন ডি সি র ন্যাশনাল মল তথা মেমোরিয়াল পার্কে । “নাইন-ইলেভেন-থারতিন” এর এই “মিলিয়ন মুসলিম মার্চ” সারা পৃথিবীতে তোড়পার সৃষ্টি করে এবং এম ডি রাব্বি আলম ও “আমেরিকান মুসলিম পলিটিকাল একশান কমিটি” ন্যাশনাল ও ইন্টারন্যাশনাল হেডলাইন এ পরিণত হয়। ওয়ার্ল্ড নিউজ, সি এন এন, বি বি সি, ভয়েস অফ আমেরিকা, ফক্স নিউজ, এ বি সি, এন বি সি, সি বি এস, অ্যাকশান নিউজ, ওয়াশিংটন পোস্ট, সেন্ট লুইস পোস্ট ডিস প্যাঁচ, সহ সকল নিউজ মিডিয়া এম ডি রাব্বি আলমকে ফিচার করে । আমেরিকা সহ সারা বিশ্বে সাড়া জাগানো মুসলিম ড্যামোক্রাটিক এই নেতা আর কেউ নন, তিনি বাংলাদেশের খুলনা জেলার রূপসা উপজেলার রাজাপুর গ্রামে জন্ম গ্রহণকারী মোহাম্মেদ রাব্বি আলম ।
এম ডি আলম যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মিশিগান আংগরােজ্যর ২০২০ সালের নির্বাচনের ৪ নং আসনে প্রাথীতা ঘোষণা করলেন । আসন্ন এই নির্বাচন নভেম্বরের ৩ তারিখে অনুস্ঠিত হবে। এই নিবাচনে এম ডি আলম জয়লাভ করলে এক লক্ষ মানুষের প্রথিনিদ্ধিত্ত করবেন। মিশিগানের ৪ নম্বর আসনের নিবাচনি এলাকাতে হ্যামট্রামিক শহরের ২০ হাজার এবং ডেট্রয়েটে ৮০ হাজার লোকের বসবাস। এদের মধ্যে বাংলাদেশি রেজিস্টার ভোটারের সংখ্যা হবে প্রায় ৫০০০।
এম ডি আলম উভয় শহরের বসবাস কারী বাংলাদেশি সহ সাদা, কালো, হিস্পানিক, আরব কমিউনিটির সাথে কাজ করছেণ । যেহেতু এম ডি আলম আমেরিকার সেনা বাহিনীর চাকরি এবং ইরাকে যুদ্ধের কারণে তিনি ইতি মধ্যে অনেক এগিয়ে রয়েছেণ । তাছাড়া ড্যামোক্রাটিক ককাসের চেয়ারম্যান থাকার সুবাদে মূলধারার ড্যামোক্রাটিক পার্টির সাপোর্ট সহ জনগণের কাছ থেকে সাপোর্ট পাচ্ছেন । এম ডি আলম আরব-মুসলিম কমিউনিটিতে অনেক সমাদৃত এবং পরিচিত। তিনি শুক্রবার জুম্মার নামাজের খুতবা দেন ও নামাজ ও পড়ান । এই বিষয় গুলি মাথায় রেখে এম ডি আলম এবং ক্যাম্পেইনের নেত্রীবৃন্দ আশাবাঁদি যে, তিনি একজন সম্ভবনাময় ক্যানডিডেট । এম ডি আলমের জয়ের মধ্য দিয়া হতে পারে প্রথম কোন বাংলাদেশি আমেরিকার আংগরােজ্যর সংসদে নির্বাচিত প্রথম বাংলাদেশি।
এম ডি আলম হ্যামট্রামিক ও ডেট্রয়েট শহরে বসবাস রত সমগ্র বাংলাদেশি ভোটারদের কাছে ভোটের আশা করছেন এবং ভোট চেয়েছেন । পাশাপাশী নন ভোটার যারা মিশিগান সহ অন্যান্য ৫০ স্টেট্সে এবং বাংলাদেশ সহ সারা বিশ্বের মাঝে আছেন সবার কাছে দোয়া চেয়েছেন । সভার শুরু হয় পবিত্র কোরান তেলাওয়াতের মধ্য দিয়া । কোরান তেলাওয়াত করেন হাফিজ মোহাম্মদ হাসান । আমেরিকার পতাকার “প্লেজ অফ আলিজেঞ্ছ” পরিচালনা করেন শাজিদ আলম । সভার পরিচালনা করেন ব্ল্যাক কমিউনিটি লিডার এটোরনি জনাবা জামিয়া ডাভিস, এবং আরব কমিউনিটি লিডার ডক্টর জনাবা তাযারিদ আলী ।
সভায় প্রধান অতিথির বক্তব্য দেন মিশিগানের থার্ড সারকিট চিফ জাস্টিস এডওয়াড ইওয়েল । বিশেষ অতিথির বক্তব্য দেন সেনেটর কোলম্যান য়উং সেকেন্ড (Coleman A. Young II) । বিশেষ অতিথি হিসাবে আরও বক্তব্য রাখেন আসন্ন নির্বাচনে পদপ্রথি শ্রী তেনাদার (Shri Thanedar), বিল কাবস (#Bill_Cobbs), এবং হ্যামট্রামিক সিটির ফায়ার ফাইটার ইউনিয়ান চীফ লিএউতেনান্ত আন্ডরু অলেকসাইক, এবং ড্যাপুটি নিক ম্যানসিনা “আলম ফর মিশিগান” ক্যাম্পেইনের পক্ষে বক্তব্যরাখেন ইব্রাহিম আলজাহিম, মিনহাজ রাসেল চৌধুরী, আরমানি আসাদ, নাজেল হুদা নাজ, এম ডি শাহাবুদ্দিন (MD Shahab Uddin), ণুরুল হাসান পারভেজ, মাহাবুবে রাবিব খান (Mahbube Khan), নজরুল রহমান, কানুন দনেল বড়ুয়া, আপ্রেশ বড়ুয়া, নাসীর শাবুজ (Nasir Sabuj), রাহিদ চৌধুরী (Rahid Chowdhury), তাসনিম চৌধুরী, এম ফিরুজ আলী (M Firuj Ali), মুস্তাক আহমেদ মুক্তা, অ্যাড মল্লিক সারোয়ার, আল-মাহাদি বিনতে টাগারিদ, আরিফ হাস্কিচ এবং মোহাম্মেদ হক ।
কমিউনিটির অনেক সন্মানিত বাক্তি বর্গের উপস্তিতিতে সভা মুখরিত হয়। অন্যনদের মাঝে উপস্তিচ ছিলেন আব্দুল বাসিত (Abdul Basit), শাম ওয়াশিংটন (Sam Washington), খালেদ চৌধুরি (Khaled Chowdhury), মুস্তাক আহমেদ (Mustaque Ahmed), শেখ রুপম রাশিদ (রুপম উর রশিদ ইমুন), কামরুজজামান হেলাল (Kamruzzaman Helal), মোহাম্মেদ হাসান মিয়া (Muhammad Hasan Miah), আবুল খয়ের মিতু (Syed A Khair), অ্যাড সালেহ উদ্দিন, সয়েদ তুফায়েল প্রমুখ । সভায় বক্তারা ডঃ আলম কে সর্বাত্মক সহযোগিতা প্রদানের আচ্ছাস দেন। বক্তারা ডঃ রাব্বি কে “Future of State Representative” বলে আখ্যায়িত করেন এবং সকলকে DR. MD Rabbi Alam কে November 3, 2020 তারিখে ভোট দিতে আহবান জানান । সভার বক্তব্যের সমাপ্তি হয় দোয়ার মাধ্যমে।
Press Release: MD Alam for Michigan Michigan 4th District State Representative 844.556.8333
(Dr. MD Rabbi Alam, Candiadte, State Representative, Michigan House District 4, Election November 3, 2020)
Muslim American Political Struggle of 2000-2020: Dr. MD Rabbi Alam. Friends: Election is a democratic process to take on responsibilities in office. Once you run for that race you know the outcomes are either victory or defeat. Understanding the facts that one can’t have both outcomes. So whether you win or lose you have to be actively participating and taking on the challenges. As Independent you have uphill battles. But in America sometimes you have to be on your own if the situation allows and permits.
I am no less Democrat than even our Former Vice President Joe Biden our President Candiadte or even Independent Bernie Sanders. It’s a platform. Now if you don’t understand the Qualifying Petitions situations then I can explain to those who want to know.
I travelled 27 states with our former President Barack Obama, I was a DNC Caucasus Chair and I was the National Convener for the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus in 2010. I founded the Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus.
In 2013, on 9/11, I organized a Million Muslim March in DC at the National Mall and We were heavily dehumanized by Fox News and right wings specially Sean Hanity, Bill O’Reilly, Fox & Friends, Morning Joe, Judge @Jenneine Pirro, Alex Jones’ Dank Meme Stash, Washington Free Beacon, Daniel Pipes, Bridget Gabriel and many others. I can go on. Anyway, folks, In 2012, I ran for Missouri Secretary of State and I was brutally attacked by very Fox and right wingers. Even I was attacked by the IDL – International Defamation League – defamed me as I was “Obama’s Muslim Terrorist” – I fought it hard and we survived. Fox predicted I would get only 500 votes, finally I bagged 50,000 some votes. The point I am making here, In America Muslim now seems a easy platform than 20 years ago. Now, after truly Obama, Hillary and Bernie movement now we have created our Allies in political field. But never forget what we had to do early 2000, specially after 9/11. It was never easy, it was never like this what you see after 20 years of hardship, challenges and titled being distributed as “Villains and Terrorists” synonyms with a Muslim Names such as Mohammed, Abdul and or Alam. Also if you have beard unlikely, a Shaikh with long beard got shoot and brutally killed as portraying a Muslim by right-wings home grown terrorist.
In 2000, 80% Muslims delivered for the Bushes and handed the presidency yet, even, we the Muslim leaders were rejected by the Democrats and just some of us stood with former Vice President Al Gore and Joe Liverman. It was a very challenging moment for Muslim American (not the Black Muslim – ie Nation of Islam and the Mosque Care). Also FYI, the #abortion (Pro-Life or Pro-Choice) issues on the ballot. No shame the vast majority Muslim American stood with the Pro-Life and supported the GOP alongside the same very right wings.
During the 2000’s Presidential across 50 states the following Muslims leaders who were politically active within the participation were Dr. Syed Agha Saied of CA, Dr. Malik Mujaheed of Chicago, Dr. James B Zogbay of DC, Dr. Kevin Barrett of Madison WI, Dr. Shofder Chowdhury of St. Louis Chicago Side, Anwar K Khan of Kansas City, MO, Dr. A J Durhani of Dallas TX, Imam Wallie Karim of Chicago, Ishaq Beg of Atlanta, Georgia, Ako Abdul-Samad of Iowa, Envir Mashoud of Fairfax Virginia, Dr. Mohammed Quashem of Silverspring Maryland, Sheikh Adnan Bayzid, Syed Asif, Derron Black, Shere Alam of Kansas City, Missouri, Sherbaz Khan of Irving Texas, Mayor Mohamed T. Khairullah of New Jersey, Maf Misbah Uddin of New York, Giash Ahmed of New York, Murshed Ahmed of New York, Ghazzala Salam of Florida, Dr. Talat Khan of CA, @Salim Akther of Chicago, Journalist @Ruby Al-Sous of Kansas City. Still then no one knew who Keith Ellison was. Keith Ellison came in picture after 2006 wining his Congressional bid with Somalian Muslim Community in Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota. Remember Keith Ellison was the first Muslim to win any congressional seat in USA.
No one knew who Rashida Tlaib was yet, @Jamila Nasheed of St. Louis was elected in the Missouri House and AKO Abdous Samad was elected at IOWA house of Representative. No one even knew or thought who Dr. Abdul El-Sayed would be because he came in picture in 2018.
In the 2000 Election Muslim denied access to the Democratic Party and platforms even denied meetings with top Democratic candidates that why in a core collation Muslim American allied with the Bushes’ of Florida. Don’t give me wrong, I witnessed and experienced all these in past 20 years. I heavily experienced the Disavowed from the Democratic Party and now you all think it was easy to proclaim a Muslim Leader in America.
In 2001, the Muslim Leadership had a secret slavery with the Republican Party while Democrats showed their back on us. During the 9/11 attack on Twin Tower Muslim American were vilinized and discriminated and no one really truly stood for the solidarity of our communities. I spoke against the 9/11 Plot and it was a hoax after 19 years we all know about it. Calling Global Muslim Communities as a Terrorist community was a NORM for the west. Yet, Obama who faced brutal backfires from Trump with his Birther movement. All it changed when Obama tapped many Muslims including me and put in his campaign. I worked as a Campaign Manager in Mid-west in Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska belt. Now the question is what is look like to be a Muslim Political Leader in America?
In 2004 Sen John Kerry and Senator John Edwards, I stood with Sentor Kerry and we had Splitter and walked away from the GOP leaded movement of political slavery to the real activism in the political process. We were discriminated by our own Imams, Non-profit leaders and our own Muslims Community because of fear of prosecution and it was the most hardest battle we had to educate our own community to be invoked in Political movement and activism. I want to acknowledge that “Professor Sami Al-Arian” a Muslim educator and a Professor of Green Bay was arrested with 9/11 conspiracy and was thrown in the jail without any proceeding yet no Muslims in America stood for his civil rights action. After Obama came in Office the AMA, MLF of America, the CAIR and few other organizations started the process of Sami Al-Arian case.
In 2001, the 9/11 terror attack and in 2015 with the 9/11 Commission Report of 28 deducted pages questioned the integrity and official story of 9/11. Yes, I stood for the 2.7 Million Muslims in America, I questioned about the official report of 9/11 and the next thing I knew that I was brutally attacked by right wings with Death Threatened, physical assault and finally media attacks. Fox and right wings called me “Obama’s Terrorist”, titled me “Secretary of Truth” and also miscoded as “Anti-Semitic” even I cleared the relationship between the #AIPAC, Zionism and Zionist Movement vs the Religion of Jew and Jewish people. In 2005, I was involved in Interfaith Movement yet I was labeled as an Anti-Semitic by very ADF – Anti-Defamation League with Defamation and personal discrimination against me and my family.
In 2015, I was tapped in and was introduced in Bernie Sanders Campaign by my good friend from US Congressman and DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison and I served as the National Chair “Muslims for Bernie” in 2016. Folks, do you recall after the DNC Convention once Bernie conceded to Hillary Clinton, Keith Ellison endorsed Hillary alongside with Bernie Sanders himself.
After the 2016, DNC Convention, Bill Clinton offered me to organize the Hillary Campaign and I assumed the role of “Muslims4HillaryClinton” and it was just more than a position to elect Hillary Clinton Against Trump. During the 2016 campaign I travelled 11 states and organized Rally for Hillary Clinton as well as I worked very closely with Senator Bernie Sanders to elects Hillary Clinton.
Now, it’s 2020. Many young Muslims has positions in Political campaign. In 2018 Rashida Talib was elected in Michigan to represent 13th Congressional District, concurrently Ilhan Omar was tapped in to fill the vacated seat of Rep. Keith Ellison while he was elected in the Minnesota as the Attorney General.
In 2018, in Michigan young man Muslim American Dr. Abdul El-Sayed and Indian American Shri Thanedar came in power play backed by Bernie for Abdul and Self-financed for Shri which changed the Michigan Politics in a Progressive and positive in nature. While Abdul was in the Ballot, there was a 24 years old unknown Yemeni American Abraham Aiyash was in the 2018 Michigan Democratic Ballot for Michigan Senate and credited votes by Abdul El-Sayed. Technically today Abraham Aiyash is nothing but a shadow of Abdul El Sayed. May be Abdul Al-Sayed will never be elected yet, Aiyash collected all Yemeni votes and Progressive votes backed by Abdul was endorsed by Bernie. Now, a young man Aiyash is set to became a State Rep from Michigan 4th House District On Nov 3, 2020.
Questions to all Muslims American specially in Michigan Who is Abraham Aiyash anyway?
I am Dr. MD Rabbi Alam, don’t forget to google search my name and you will see as a Muslim American Leader Ayash is not even 5% v 95%, yet locally for unforeseen reason a favorite man running as a Democrat.
In 2018, Another Yemeni American young man Saad Almasmari Who was 2nd top in the 2018 Michigan State Rep Election for District 4 Against R.I.P. Isaac Robinson and at the same time Abraham Aiyash was defeated by Michigan Current Senator Adam Hollier with 5766 votes and (in 2020 Aiyash MI HD 4 State Rep 5352 votes), took away the opportunity from Saad Al-Masmari.
People do not realize and understand what is behind the true success, in this case Abraham Ayash got a free pass by suppressing Saad Al-Masmari a contender of Yemeni American Community of Hamtarmck, Michigan.
In 2018, I also ran in that MI HD 4 and being new in a State was defeated where two Bangladeshi American was in the Ballot. Both me and Syed Rob was defeated and Isaac Robinson had the victory. The seat was vacated by term limit and Isaac’ mother Rosemary Robinson served before Isaac took in 2019. Unfortunate event of Covid19 took Isaac’s life and he died on 3-28-2020, and untimely passing created the seat open and now the seat is facing 4 way election on November 3, 2020.
I was a Democratic Primary candidate for August 7, 2020. However, I was requested by Rosemary Robinson to withdraw from the Primary as initial plan of Sarah Robinson, Isaac’s Sister tentative run for her brothers vacated-seat. As per my conversation with former Rep and mother of both Isaac and Sarah Robinson, I removed myself from the Primary. Noted, that on Feb, 2, 2019, at the MDP – Michigan Democratic Party Convention at the Cobo Hall, I was elected as an Statutory Board Member of 14th Congressional District of Rep. Brenda Lawrence and currently serving as a Vice Chair of the MDP CD14 Official Committee.
At the end, Shara Robinson never filed to run and, I was denied my chance to be endorsed by the MDP CD 14 as a current sitting Vice Chair, now, I ask you all to consider me as I am back in the Ballot as an Independent. Like many in history, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Brenda Jones of Michigan and Even Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan tried on an Independent Platform.
As because I am now running as an Independent, that does not make me any less Democrat that any other candidates in the Ballot.
My pledge to you Michiganders and Specially Democrats and Hamtrmck, Detroit Muslim Community – you have to chose the best one among two Muslims in the Race. Abraham Aiyash or Dr. MD Rabbi ALAM. I request you to consider the one who will serve you the best.
Here, I am a VETERAN. I am a Former US Army Sergeant. I am a Veteran of Iraq War and Afghan War, I am a Former DNC Caucus Chair, I Organized the Million Muslim March, I am currently serving as a Vice Chair of MDP CD14. I organized and collected over 250 K signatures to impeach Donald Trump. I am asking your vote and allow me to serve you.
Finally, I fought for my County, I will fight again if needed. I have served my country and I will serve again if needed. I served those people and my country because, I live my County and I love you. I want to serve you again that’s why I am running again. Please vote for me on November 3, 2020 as an Independent and would be proud to serve you with Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. Please give me a chance that I can be come your next State Representative from Michigan 4th House District On 11-3-2020.
NOTE: yes, I am Muslim, Yes I am a Veteran, Yes I am Democrat and yes, I have long beard and purposefully I grew my beard to give leverage of Muslim American as who we are but not hiding and challenging the identity. Yes, I was marching in Ferguson for Michael Brown, Yes, I was marching in Florida fro Trevan Martin, Yes, I was marching in Baltimore Maryland for Freddie Gray and Yes I marched and leaded Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist, US Senator Gary Peters and US Congresswoman Rep. Brenda Lawrence for George Floyd in Detroit. I am always an active for BLM form the very beginnings. As a Muslim American I will serve you with pride and dignity.
Thank you.
Dr. Rabbi ALAM Candiadte, State Representative Michigan District 4 8-22-2020.
Dr. MD Rabbi Alam, Candidate, State Representative, Michigan House District 4 Election on Nov 3, 2020
Muslim American Political Struggle of 2000-2020: Dr. MD Rabbi Alam. Friends: Election is a democratic process to take on responsibilities in office. Once you run for that race you know the outcomes are either victory or defeat. Understanding the facts that one can’t have both outcomes. So whether you win or lose you have to be actively participating and taking on the challenges. As Independent you have uphill battles. But in America sometimes you have to be on your own if the situation allows and permits.
I am no less Democrat than even our Former Vice President Joe Biden our President Candiadte or even Independent Bernie Sanders. It’s a platform. Now if you don’t understand the Qualifying Petitions situations then I can explain to those who want to know.
I travelled 27 states with our former President Barack Obama, I was a DNC Caucasus Chair and I was the National Convener for the National Democratic Party Asian American Caucus in 2010. I founded the Missouri Democratic Party Asian American Caucus.
In 2013, on 9/11, I organized a Million Muslim March in DC at the National Mall and We were heavily dehumanized by Fox News and right wings specially Sean Hanity, Bill O’Reilly, Fox & Friends, Morning Joe, Judge @Jenneine Pirro, Alex Jones’ Dank Meme Stash, Washington Free Beacon, Daniel Pipes, Bridget Gabriel and many others. I can go on. Anyway, folks, In 2012, I ran for Missouri Secretary of State and I was brutally attacked by very Fox and right wingers. Even I was attacked by the IDL – International Defamation League – defamed me as I was “Obama’s Muslim Terrorist” – I fought it hard and we survived. Fox predicted I would get only 500 votes, finally I bagged 50,000 some votes. The point I am making here, In America Muslim now seems a easy platform than 20 years ago. Now, after truly Obama, Hillary and Bernie movement now we have created our Allies in political field. But never forget what we had to do early 2000, specially after 9/11. It was never easy, it was never like this what you see after 20 years of hardship, challenges and titled being distributed as “Villains and Terrorists” synonyms with a Muslim Names such as Mohammed, Abdul and or Alam. Also if you have beard unlikely, a Shaikh with long beard got shoot and brutally killed as portraying a Muslim by right-wings home grown terrorist.
Image: Dr. Rabbi Alam in US Army uniform when he was a Sergeant of US Army
In 2000, 80% Muslims delivered for the Bushes and handed the presidency yet, even, we the Muslim leaders were rejected by the Democrats and just some of us stood with former Vice President Al Gore and Joe Liverman. It was a very challenging moment for Muslim American (not the Black Muslim – ie Nation of Islam and the Mosque Care). Also FYI, the #abortion (Pro-Life or Pro-Choice) issues on the ballot. No shame the vast majority Muslim American stood with the Pro-Life and supported the GOP alongside the same very right wings.
During the 2000’s Presidential across 50 states the following Muslims leaders who were politically active within the participation were Dr. Syed Agha Saied of CA, Dr. Malik Mujaheed of Chicago, Dr. James B Zogbay of DC, Dr. Kevin Barrett of Madison WI, Dr. Shofder Chowdhury of St. Louis Chicago Side, Anwar K Khan of Kansas City, MO, Dr. A J Durhani of Dallas TX, Imam Wallie Karim of Chicago, Ishaq Beg of Atlanta, Georgia, Ako Abdul-Samad of Iowa, Envir Mashoud of Fairfax Virginia, Dr. Mohammed Quashem of Silverspring Maryland, Sheikh Adnan Bayzid, Syed Asif, Derron Black, Shere Alam of Kansas City, Missouri, Sherbaz Khan of Irving Texas, Mayor Mohamed T. Khairullah of New Jersey, Maf Misbah Uddin of New York, Giash Ahmed of New York, Murshed Ahmed of New York, Ghazzala Salam of Florida, Dr. Talat Khan of CA, @Salim Akther of Chicago, Journalist @Ruby Al-Sous of Kansas City. Still then no one knew who Keith Ellison was. Keith Ellison came in picture after 2006 wining his Congressional bid with Somalian Muslim Community in Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota. Remember Keith Ellison was the first Muslim to win any congressional seat in USA.
Dr. Rabbi Alam speaking at a gathering and surrounded by community supporters
No one knew who Rashida Tlaib was yet, @Jamila Nasheed of St. Louis was elected in the Missouri House and AKO Abdous Samad was elected at IOWA house of Representative. No one even knew or thought who Dr. Abdul El-Sayed would be because he came in picture in 2018.
In the 2000 Election Muslim denied access to the Democratic Party and platforms even denied meetings with top Democratic candidates that why in a core collation Muslim American allied with the Bushes’ of Florida. Don’t give me wrong, I witnessed and experienced all these in past 20 years. I heavily experienced the Disavowed from the Democratic Party and now you all think it was easy to proclaim a Muslim Leader in America.
Dr. MD rabbi Alam is addressing the Muslim Struggle in America.
In 2001, the Muslim Leadership had a secret slavery with the Republican Party while Democrats showed their back on us. During the 9/11 attack on Twin Tower Muslim American were vilinized and discriminated and no one really truly stood for the solidarity of our communities. I spoke against the 9/11 Plot and it was a hoax after 19 years we all know about it. Calling Global Muslim Communities as a Terrorist community was a NORM for the west. Yet, Obama who faced brutal backfires from Trump with his Birther movement. All it changed when Obama tapped many Muslims including me and put in his campaign. I worked as a Campaign Manager in Mid-west in Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska belt. Now the question is what is look like to be a Muslim Political Leader in America?
In 2004 Sen John Kerry and Senator John Edwards, I stood with Sentor Kerry and we had Splitter and walked away from the GOP leaded movement of political slavery to the real activism in the political process. We were discriminated by our own Imams, Non-profit leaders and our own Muslims Community because of fear of prosecution and it was the most hardest battle we had to educate our own community to be invoked in Political movement and activism. I want to acknowledge that “Professor Sami Al-Arian” a Muslim educator and a Professor of Green Bay was arrested with 9/11 conspiracy and was thrown in the jail without any proceeding yet no Muslims in America stood for his civil rights action. After Obama came in Office the AMA, MLF of America, the CAIR and few other organizations started the process of Sami Al-Arian case.
In 2001, the 9/11 terror attack and in 2015 with the 9/11 Commission Report of 28 deducted pages questioned the integrity and official story of 9/11. Yes, I stood for the 2.7 Million Muslims in America, I questioned about the official report of 9/11 and the next thing I knew that I was brutally attacked by right wings with Death Threatened, physical assault and finally media attacks. Fox and right wings called me “Obama’s Terrorist”, titled me “Secretary of Truth” and also miscoded as “Anti-Semitic” even I cleared the relationship between the #AIPAC, Zionism and Zionist Movement vs the Religion of Jew and Jewish people. In 2005, I was involved in Interfaith Movement yet I was labeled as an Anti-Semitic by very ADF – Anti-Defamation League with Defamation and personal discrimination against me and my family.
Dr. Alam in 2015 for Bernie Campaign
In 2015, I was tapped in and was introduced in Bernie Sanders Campaign by my good friend from US Congressman and DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison and I served as the National Chair “Muslims for Bernie” in 2016. Folks, do you recall after the DNC Convention once Bernie conceded to Hillary Clinton, Keith Ellison endorsed Hillary alongside with Bernie Sanders himself.
After the 2016, DNC Convention, Bill Clinton offered me to organize the Hillary Campaign and I assumed the role of “Muslims4HillaryClinton” and it was just more than a position to elect Hillary Clinton Against Trump. During the 2016 campaign I travelled 11 states and organized Rally for Hillary Clinton as well as I worked very closely with Senator Bernie Sanders to elects Hillary Clinton.
Now, it’s 2020. Many young Muslims has positions in Political campaign. In 2018 Rashida Talib was elected in Michigan to represent 13th Congressional District, concurrently Ilhan Omar was tapped in to fill the vacated seat of Rep. Keith Ellison while he was elected in the Minnesota as the Attorney General.
2016 Dr. MD Rabbi Alam worked in Bernie Campaign and was a top decision maker for Muslims wing
In 2018, in Michigan young man Muslim American Dr. Abdul El-Sayed and Indian American Shri Thanedar came in power play backed by Bernie for Abdul and Self-financed for Shri which changed the Michigan Politics in a Progressive and positive in nature. While Abdul was in the Ballot, there was a 24 years old unknown Yemeni American Abraham Aiyash was in the 2018 Michigan Democratic Ballot for Michigan Senate and credited votes by Abdul El-Sayed. Technically today Abraham Aiyash is nothing but a shadow of Abdul El Sayed. May be Abdul Al-Sayed will never be elected yet, Aiyash collected all Yemeni votes and Progressive votes backed by Abdul was endorsed by Bernie. Now, a young man Aiyash is set to became a State Rep from Michigan 4th House District On Nov 3, 2020.
Questions to all Muslims American specially in Michigan Who is Abraham Aiyash anyway?
I am Dr. MD Rabbi Alam, don’t forget to google search my name and you will see as a Muslim American Leader Ayash is not even 5% v 95%, yet locally for unforeseen reason a favorite man running as a Democrat.
In 2018, Another Yemeni American young man Saad Almasmari Who was 2nd top in the 2018 Michigan State Rep Election for District 4 Against R.I.P. Isaac Robinson and at the same time Abraham Aiyash was defeated by Michigan Current Senator Adam Hollier with 5766 votes and (in 2020 Aiyash MI HD 4 State Rep 5352 votes), took away the opportunity from Saad Al-Masmari.
People do not realize and understand what is behind the true success, in this case Abraham Ayash got a free pass by suppressing Saad Al-Masmari a contender of Yemeni American Community of Hamtarmck, Michigan.
In 2018, I also ran in that MI HD 4 and being new in a State was defeated where two Bangladeshi American was in the Ballot. Both me and Syed Rob was defeated and Isaac Robinson had the victory. The seat was vacated by term limit and Isaac’ mother Rosemary Robinson served before Isaac took in 2019. Unfortunate event of Covid19 took Isaac’s life and he died on 3-28-2020, and untimely passing created the seat open and now the seat is facing 4 way election on November 3, 2020.
Dr. MD rabbi Alam with Hillary Clinton in 2016 along with his son Sajid and daughter Anupriya.
I was a Democratic Primary candidate for August 7, 2020. However, I was requested by Rosemary Robinson to withdraw from the Primary as initial plan of Sarah Robinson, Isaac’s Sister tentative run for her brothers vacated-seat. As per my conversation with former Rep and mother of both Isaac and Sarah Robinson, I removed myself from the Primary. Noted, that on Feb, 2, 2019, at the MDP – Michigan Democratic Party Convention at the Cobo Hall, I was elected as an Statutory Board Member of 14th Congressional District of Rep. Brenda Lawrence and currently serving as a Vice Chair of the MDP CD14 Official Committee.
At the end, Shara Robinson never filed to run and, I was denied my chance to be endorsed by the MDP CD 14 as a current sitting Vice Chair, now, I ask you all to consider me as I am back in the Ballot as an Independent. Like many in history, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Brenda Jones of Michigan and Even Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan tried on an Independent Platform.
As because I am now running as an Independent, that does not make me any less Democrat that any other candidates in the Ballot.
My pledge to you Michiganders and Specially Democrats and Hamtrmck, Detroit Muslim Community – you have to chose the best one among two Muslims in the Race. Abraham Aiyash or Dr. MD Rabbi ALAM. I request you to consider the one who will serve you the best.
Here, I am a VETERAN. I am a Former US Army Sergeant. I am a Veteran of Iraq War and Afghan War, I am a Former DNC Caucus Chair, I Organized the Million Muslim March, I am currently serving as a Vice Chair of MDP CD14. I organized and collected over 250 K signatures to impeach Donald Trump. I am asking your vote and allow me to serve you.
Finally, I fought for my County, I will fight again if needed. I have served my country and I will serve again if needed. I served those people and my country because, I live my County and I love you. I want to serve you again that’s why I am running again. Please vote for me on November 3, 2020 as an Independent and would be proud to serve you with Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. Please give me a chance that I can be come your next State Representative from Michigan 4th House District On 11-3-2020.
DR. MD RABBI ALAM in 2020: Candidate for Michigan State Representative, House District -4
NOTE: yes, I am Muslim, Yes I am a Veteran, Yes I am Democrat and yes, I have long beard and purposefully I grew my beard to give leverage of Muslim American as who we are but not hiding and challenging the identity. Yes, I was marching in Ferguson for Michael Brown, Yes, I was marching in Florida fro Trevan Martin, Yes, I was marching in Baltimore Maryland for Freddie Gray and Yes I marched and leaded Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist, US Senator Gary Peters and US Congresswoman Rep. Brenda Lawrence for George Floyd in Detroit. I am always an active for BLM form the very beginnings. As a Muslim American I will serve you with pride and dignity.
Thank you.
Dr. Rabbi ALAM Candiadte, State Representative Michigan District 4 7-16-2020.